• Minimize browser


    When an intranet page opens, I’d like the browser window to minimize to the toolbar, but am having no luck finding how to go about this. I can’t alter the link that launches the page, but I can change the targeted page itself. Users will all have IE5.0 and greater, so no cross-browser issues to consider. Any thoughts? Javascript, DHTML, VBScript…whatever works is fine with me!

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    • #542302

      Shane are you talking about having it open full screen (F11) which actually makes my tool bar disappear. I just discovered that setting but have no idea how to make it happen except by default which is always on or always off. Edited because i discovered that I had marked auto hide on the toolbar option which only shows up after F11 is activated.

      I’ll be watching this with interest to see what the question really is and what answers show up.

      The one that irritates me is when a web site takes over my browser tool bar and changes the configuration to those idiot buttons. Usually only on popups which I generally ignore anyway. But it’s still aggravating

      • #542310

        Nope — the equivalent of a VBA OnLoad event that would be the equivalent of a VBA Me.Minimize.

        The deal is that we have a page that upon loading launches a Java applet. For the applet to continue to work, the browser window must stay open, but as users don’t actually do anything in the browser, once the page loads I’d like it to immediately minimize itself. Google searches, etc. seem to suggest that it’s impossible, but I have a hard time believing that… help

        • #542319

          Came across this at Webreference
          The file needs an .hta extension – you’ll find an example at the bottom of the above linked page – look for “WINDOWSTATE”.

          Edited to make the code an attachment. Save and Rename to winminimize.hta

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