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Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Access and database help » Trim isn’t working! (Access 97)
Huh, that’s some funky stuff. It wouldn’t Trim, and I didn’t see anything in the properties of the field that would prohibit trimming extraneous spaces. (I used just the Transaction field as a test bed)
I used the InStr function to look for a space character, and it reported back that there were no spaces! I’m going on a hunt for a function that will step through a string and report back what each character is; that is, I see a space, but what does Access see?
A space has as ascii value of 32.
Trim is used to remove spaces as they have an ascii value of 32
The strange thing is that the space in your tables, have a value of 160. Why ???? I don’t know.
Here a little function to replace all the space with ascii value of 160 by a space with ascii value of 32.
Put that function in a module and save it.
In your query replace all Trim([YourField]) by Trim(Strip160([YourField]) and run the query
This should work.
Function Strip160(strToStrip As String) As String Dim x As Integer For x = 1 To Len(strToStrip) If Asc(Mid(strToStrip, x, 1)) 160 Then Strip160 = Strip160 & Mid(strToStrip, x, 1) Else Strip160 = Strip160 & " " End If Next x End Function
Francois, you beat me to it! And here I thought I was all clever!
Tim, sure enough, it’s a space, but not a space. Very Zen. Francois’ solution will certainly do the trick for you. I made use of the following function by replacing the Trim([FieldName]) from your original SQL with ChangeStr([FieldName],Chr(160),””,1)
Public Function ChangeStr(strOrig As String, strOldChar As String, _ strNewChar As String, intMatchCase As Integer) As Variant 'This substitutes one character or char string with another as 'designated in the calling function, from KB Q210372 'intMatchCase = 0 means case insensitive comparison; set to 1 for case 'sensitive comparison against strOldChar Dim Temp As String Dim Pos As Integer Temp = "" If IsNull(strOrig) Then ChangeStr = Null Exit Function End If If strOldChar = "" Or strOrig = "" Then ChangeStr = strOrig Exit Function End If Pos = InStr(1, strOrig, strOldChar, intMatchCase) While Pos > 0 Temp = Temp & Mid$(strOrig, 1, Pos - 1) & strNewChar strOrig = Right$(strOrig, Len(strOrig) - Pos - Len(strOldChar) + 1) Pos = InStr(1, strOrig, strOldChar, intMatchCase) Wend ChangeStr = Temp & strOrig End Function
Edited to eliminate horizontal scrolling–Charlotte
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