• Distribution List from Contact Category (Outlook 2000)

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    Does anyone know of an easy way to create a distribution list from a Contacts category? Any ideas would be appreciated.

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    • #558916

      Did you happen to find an answer to your question?
      I need to create separate Distribution Lists from Contact Categories and it is not clear to me how to accomplish this.

      • #558917

        No, unfortunately I did not. The best option I found was to open an e-mail message which contained the addresses in the To: field, copy the addresses, create the Distribution List, click on Select Members, and paste the e-mail addresses in the selected members area. It didn’t work very well, unless the addresses were already in my address book or contacts. If you find a better option, or if anyone else knows of one, I’d be delighted to hear it.

        I did learn that you can forward a distribution list you’ve already created to someone else, the same way you can any other contact. If someone else has already created the list, that might help.

        Good luck.

        • #559799

          Thank you, Ricardo … I’ll give that a try.

          In my search, I found this article. Might this be helpful?
          Outlook White Paper

          • #560898

            The White Paper gave a good suggestion. Personally, I’m a firm believer in using Categories, and creating a message to the category, but someone here insists that it must be a distribution list. Thanks for the suggestions.

    • #559159

      The only way I could find was to copy each category to a temporary folder, create the list from that folder and then erase it. The list remains because Outlook reads the addresses anyway, from they are.

      • #559161

        Thank you, Ricardo. That’s a good suggestion. I’ve decided that the temporary folder, at least for me, is the best way to use my categories for a variety of things, including Word mail merges. You’ve just given me another use for it.
        Thanks again.

    • #559948

      Does it have to be a Distribution List?

      Because if you use a Filter to display the members of the category, then use Ctrl+A to select all of them, you can click the New Message to Contact button. all the selected contacts will be in included in the To: row.

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