• XL97 VBA Code to Calc


    I am looking for a better way (time-wise) to calculate a range of cells (approx 97K cells). I have created code using “For Each Cell_In_Loop In Range(“Table_01″)” which eventually works but takes 15 minutes. Does anyone have a better approach?


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    • #529895

      That question is kind of like saying, “My car is running slow, can you tell me what the problem is?” Kind of tough to answer without seeing the car.

      Can you show us the code?

      • #529923

        Sorry the keys were not in the car. Here you go. Just have the car back by 11PM..

        Sub StartMappedCalc()
        Dim TtlCount As String
        Counter = 0
        Range(“R_Mapped_Cells”) = “=CountA(table_01)”
        Range(“R_Mapped_Cells”).Value = Range(“R_Mapped_Cells”)
        TtlCount = Range(“R_Mapped_Cells”)
        For Each Cell_In_Loop In Range(“Table_01”)
        Counter = Counter + 1
        Application.StatusBar = “Mapped Cell Being Calculated: ” & Counter & “/” & TtlCount & “”
        Application.StatusBar = False
        End Sub

        • #529939

          The calculate is killing you!
          Just pitch the loop and

          Hope this helps! –Sam

        • #529938

          Edited by Charlotte to reduce horizontal scrolling
          If I understand what this routine is doing, then I think the whole thing can be replace by:

          Sub StartMappedCalc()
          End Sub

          However, you will not get a status bar while the recalculate is going on.

          If you really need the status bar updating, then the following might be a little faster:

          Sub StartMappedCalc()
          Dim TtlCount As String
          DIM Counter As Long
          Dim Cell_In_Loop As Range
              Counter = 0
              TtlCount = Range("table_01").Rows.Count * Range("table_01").Columns.Count
              Application.ScreenUpdating = False
              For Each Cell_In_Loop In Range("Table_01")
                  Counter = Counter + 1
                  Application.StatusBar = "Mapped Cell Being Calculated: " _
                          & Counter & "/" & TtlCount & ""
              Application.ScreenUpdating = True
              Application.StatusBar = False
          End Sub

          Since I don’t have the sheets setup, I didn’t test that code. I hope there are no errors in it.

    • #529993

      just a quick note to put this in your minds rather than a complete solution.
      If you are working with a lot of cells in a sheet and need to update them, it is faster to commit the whole range to an array variable, recalculate the array and then paste the array back into the worksheet range.
      something like this:
      Dim myArray ()

      myArray = sheets(“sheet1”).range(“A1:IV65536”)
      ‘ array now has dimensions of 256 x 65536
      for x = 1 to 256
      for y = 1 to 65536
      myarray(x,y)=(any calculation here)
      next y
      next x

      dont trust this code, it is just the format, syntax is probably terrible but this works MUCH faster than interogating the individual cells
      i got this from another forum a few years ago and have not had reason to use it properly yet but the demo given was seconds faster on only a few thousand cells

      • #530026

        My experience with arrays is limited; how is an array calculated via vba?

        • #530030

          You probably need to give us more details on what you are trying to do.

        • #530037

          His code will put absolute values, which must be calculated in the macro, into the cells. It will not calculate the formulas that are in the cells.

          • #530045

            Thanks for everyone’s suggestions.
            To recap: I have a range with approx 97K cells each containing formulas. What I would like to do is calc each cell or range; I’ve tried both suggestions with a rewrite of my original code and the code for the range itself. Both took approx 15 minutes to run; there must be a better way to minimize the time it takes to calc.

            • #530126

              You may have already set calculation to manual but just in case you haven’t, try changing your code to:

              Sub StartMappedCalc()
              Dim TtlCount As String, Counter As Long, Cell_In_Loop As Range
              With Application
                  .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
                  .ScreenUpdating = False
              End With
              Counter = 0
              Range("R_Mapped_Cells") = "=CountA(table_01)"
              Range("R_Mapped_Cells").Value = Range("R_Mapped_Cells")
              TtlCount = Range("R_Mapped_Cells")
              For Each Cell_In_Loop In Range("Table_01")
              Counter = Counter + 1
              Application.StatusBar = "Mapped Cell Being Calculated: " & _ 
              Counter & "/" & TtlCount & ""
              With Application
                  .StatusBar = False
                  .Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
                  .ScreenUpdating = True
              End With
              End Sub

              and see if that helps – the difference on my machine between Calculation set to Automatic and set to Manual was significant doing a recalc on 857000 cells!

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