• Help Please! Works to Word conversion??


    I am trying to open a document created in MS Works, it has the extension .wps. Is there anyway to open it up in word 97 with the converters or something?? I made sure the Works converters were installed but when I open the doc all I get is jiberish ya know? I’m running out of time. ahhhh
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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    • #528087

      You can try doing Insert/File instead of File/Open and see if that does it. Usually, though, if you get gibberish it doesn’t. Can you possibly see if whoever created it can save it as something like an .rtf file? That would be one of your best bets.

      Lee Morgan

    • #528091

      The only thing I can think of is that the document may have been created by a later version of Works than is supported by Word 97.

    • #528106

      Are you able to open it in WordPad or NotePad?

    • #528108

      Microsoft has a free converter download at:



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    Reply To: Help Please! Works to Word conversion??

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