• Unsuccessful Sign in Attempts on Microsoft Account

    Home » Forums » Cyber Security Information and Advisories » Cyber Security for Home Users » Unsuccessful Sign in Attempts on Microsoft Account


    I was seeing sign on attempts when checking my MS account logins.  I had a compromised email so I created a new alias to login to MS and shut down login from the compromised one – I did this about 2 years ago.   I created another alias for online accounts and also use Apple hide my email.  I use the MS account alias to logon only, but it was used accidentally in a few emails – it’s not compromised, as far as I know.

    Recently, I’ve seen a few login attempts – China, Brazil no more than 10 times since Feb 2024.  How could this be happening if my MS login email is not compromised? Where would the bad guys have gotten it from?? I just don’t get it!!!

    I can create a new alias and start using that for logon, but what’s the point if I can’t stop attempts with a non- compromised email??? I don’t understand how the criminals can have my MS acct login id when it’s not compromised.  I have 2FA with MS Authenticator and a long, strong password.

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