Over the years I have used a variety of email accounts from Canoemail, to Fastmail, to Gmail and Yahoo. I even had a hotmail for a while. When I was into blogging and such Gmail was my main mail but I began to hate it due to several incidents and them changing so often that password managers couldn’t keep up. I began to rely on my Gmail more when Fastmail stopped their free service.
Gmail had it’s uses but I always wanted to find something better and de-google a bit. Recently I have been moving away from Gmail and would like a free spam catcher/flexible email that isn’t a pain to sign into. I have one for “business” use but don’t want it filled with spam or the usual fluff from social media sites.
Has anyone tried mail.com or Gmx.com or Inbox.lv. Tutonata looks interesting too.
Let me know what you think.