• HPLIP driver install


    Setting up new pc, Dell Optiplex 5060.  OS is Mate 20.3.  Network printer is HP LaserJet M1522nf mulifunction.  Synaptic shows hplip 3.21.8 mostly pre-installed, see s/shot.  Our old pc ran hplip 3.22.4, installed by me when released last spring, and all printer functions- print, copy, fax, scan- were fully functional, including faxing local files.  Latest hplip is 3.22.6, which is offered by default on Sourceforge site as a .run file.  Downloaded this file, system says “complete” but site shows error message “some characters incorrect” leading to a dead end.  I did find  v. 3.22.4, which I already know supports this printer, elsewhere on Sourceforge, but download of that .run file had the same result.  Compatibility with the .6 version unknown, but I assume 3.22.4 is an improvement over the installed version.Synaptic-re-hplip

    My 3.22.4 install was via terminal and so the file was .tar.gz.  Followed the Sourceforge step-by-step and all went okey-jake.  Now I have 2 tarballs downloaded, hplip-3.22.4.tar.gz and hplip-3.22.4.tar.gz.asc (the latter identified as 198 bytes detached Open PGP signature).  This link  https://developers.hp.com/hp-linux-imaging-and-printing/install/manual/distros/linuxmint  has step-by-step install help, but I need some guidance:

    Step 2B- Since I’m trying to use the previous version, if I update the repository, I would expect to see 3.22.6, which may have compatibility issues.

    Step 2C- In light of the above not sure what to do here.

    Step 5- How do I regress to non-su status without exiting the terminal?  Once again, I’m turning to the pros here for help!

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Slowpoke47.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Slowpoke47.
    Viewing 26 reply threads
    • #2475394

      First of all, does the version of hplip 3.21.8 work? Can you do with the printer what you need/want to do?

      If it doesn’t work, I’d try installing the other stuff showing in your screen shot. That might work, but if it doesn’t, probably no harm done.

      Starting to get above my pay grade here.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2475399

      Question: did you try the version of HPLIP provided in the MINT repo’s?
      Warning – once you start taking version control into your own hands, only trouble lays ahead. Been there..
      My advice, is to use the provided in the MINT repo’s

      I think a timeshift restore point is in order (you did do one before making changes, right?)

      If you do ever stray from MINT repo’s use .DEB files as they can be easily uninstalled whereas others are a needle in a haystack to fix.

      If debian is good enough for NASA...
      2 users thanked author for this post.
      • #2475407

        And make sure you follow @microfix recommendations over mine! The only stuff I’ve ever removed or uninstalled is with a package manager, never from a terminal. It’s a lot easier to undo something from a package manager. And I take a lot of careful notes so I know exactly what I’ve done.

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #2475412

          Most of the (rare) uninstalling I’ve done has been using Synaptic. That hplip install via terminal a while back went fine (but required little input from me- I just watched the lines of code race by).

    • #2475406

      The installed version prints correctly, I think scan will work if I enable at least one of those not-installed Synaptic entries- hplip-gui for one.  Faxing from the printer or copying don’t need the computer at all.  Testing the fax function from the computer (i.e. local files) worked with the old pc and the 3.22.4 driver, I’ll have to make arrangements beforehand to test it now- meaning to alert the recipient to be sure their machine is on.

      Re Timeshift- this might be a good point to switch from using Veeam- that app takes a full-system image, local files, system files, everything.  Does Timeshift save user files?

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2475415

      Also need a binary plugin, two suggested sequences don’t quite agree:


      Also the above mentioned entry in Synaptic.

      EDIT- the plugin is listed in Synaptic as well.

    • #2475414

      Method One:

      If you successfully install the older version, open Synaptic and find the hplip as in your screenshot. Make sure the current installed version is hplip 3.22.4 (Method two is correct use that, but read onward if interested!)

      Click on hplip to highlight that package name, then, click on the menu named Package; There is an option to lock the version so newer versions will not be installed. If locking is successful the highlight should be changed to the color red and a tiny padlock will appear on the checkbox. Locking the current version can be undone if you need to upgrade in the future.

      Also lock the hplip-data package version, you will have to iterate through locking the other support packages which have relevance with the hplip driver as seen in you screen shot.

      Any update request should now be refused with an error or warning message.

      Edit: The above only works in Synaptic but I’m leaving it in anyway, the author of Synaptic did the right thing to globally lock packages when he wrote it and people complained so… he made that feature work only inside Synaptic.

      Method Two (is better and certain to work):

      You will have to type out in a command prompt for the packages you do not want upgraded because Mint’s software updater will upgrade packages (programs) otherwise. The apt-mark option to hold a package will prevent upgrades!

      sudo apt-mark hold hplip
      sudo apt-mark hold hplip-data

      You will have to take notes about which packages names are now installed related to HP and printing in Synaptic and use the names those which are filled in with red in the checkbox.

      Issue the command sudo apt-mark hold (replace with package name) for each package you want to lock in place.


      To undo your actions follow these directions, to see all the packages that are in a hold, type:

      sudo apt-mark showhold

      To release the package hold, type this:

      sudo apt-mark unhold hplip
      sudo apt-mark unhold hplip-data

      This command will release the lock so the package can be updated, etc. Issue the command sudo apt-mark unhold (replace with package name) for each package you want to remove the lock.

      Any update request should now be refused with an error or warning message.


      Method three!:

      Aptitude is like Synaptic but it fully uses all of the apt package manager options and you can also search for package name, hold them, and unhold them! You can install Aptitude with Synaptic. In the terminal type: man aptitude to read the manual.

      Question two.

      How do I regress to non-su status without exiting the terminal?

      If you have used sudo for privileges elevation, just wait more than the default time of five minutes and you will have normal user powers restored. Although different distribution may change the time you have to wait, try five since it is is based upon Ubuntu.

      P.S. Take very good notes! (I’m sorry, all of this was a crazy surprise to me as well!)

      2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #2475538

      Looks like the best move is to see whether all printer functions are enabled using some or all of the not-installed-by-default hplip components in Synaptic.  Back on this later today or  tomorrow, will report back.

    • #2476965

      Update- all printer drivers listed on Synaptic installed, v. 3.21.8.  All printer functions tested and working as expected except faxing files, target not available until Monday.  Based on hp setup sequence, that faxing will likely work also.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2477261

      Well… faxing file function will not complete.  I need to get the newer driver package installed, my original project.  Wish me luck…

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2477265

        Bummer. Good luck. Hope you saved your notes from last time.

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #2477271

          Unfortunately, the notes from last time are out of date because the last time I did this, the pkg I needed and installed was the then current one, installed via Terminal directly from Sourceforge site (IIRC).  That was v. 3.22.4.  The latest version now is 3.22.6 and I couldn’t get it to install, maybe the printer is too old.

          So- back to square one with this.  I have the 3.22.4.tar.gz and .tar.gz.asc files saved, but unsure what commands to use, and what role the smaller .asc file plays.  Also don’t know whether I need to uninstall the drivers that were provided in Synaptic (currently installed) first.

        • #2477285

          Any chance Sourceforge still offers the 3.22.4 version? Sometimes download sites keep several older versions of software available. Might have to snoop around the site a bit to find it.

          1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2477391

      Regarding whether to uninstall currently installed synaptic stuff first, there’s a warning statement near the beginning of the tutorial.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2477470

      This almost exact HP Printer M1522nf all-in-one problem was asked back in 2019 and after 3 months was finally solved by installing the driver properly.
      Re: HP printer driver problem
      Post by Slowpoke47 » Sun Dec 22, 2019 6:31 pm

      2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #2477607

      Just went back and cruised the Mint forum thread mentioned above.  While I marked it as “solved”, the file-faxing issue had not then arisen; also there was considerable difference of opinion and advice over the span of that thread. Never truly found out just which elements of hplip driver pkg are active in that machine.  That is the pc now being retired.  A search on that pc of Synaptic shows the following hplip elements installed:hplip-old-computer
      If there are any other hplip drivers installed, I don’t know how to find them.  Only 4 elements are shown as installed, and the printer has been fully functional, file faxing included, from that computer.

      Now, in the replacement pc, by default several of the included hplip- 5 or 6 maybe, were pre-installed and file faxing did not work.  I then went back and installed the rest of the hplip elements in Synaptic except one which does not reference our printer.  Results did not change- attempts to populate the appropriate field with docs to be faxed result in those files’ being diverted to the print queue, and I can prompt the tray icon to show the pop-up at the bottom of the s/shot.   Missing-printer-filter
      Bottom line- I still do not know if any of the 3.22.4 drivers are in fact installed on the old machine, have no clue where to find the missing element cited in the second s/shot, or how to re-establish file faxing, a needed function.  The current driver pkg is 3.22.6, the installation of which failed from the Sourceforge site.  For lack of a better idea, I’m about to try it again.

    • #2477691

      You need to completely remove all HP Printer drivers and packages you have installed. Go back to the Linux Mint Repo and install the one they have for you. Then after all is working *again* on your computer’s printer look into why the fax is failing. PKCano answered you the last time this happened months ago.

      PKCano May 29, 2022 at 1:16 pm

      This person also told you to stay with the drivers supplied by Mint.

      Re: HP printer driver problem
      Post by DAMIEN1307 » Mon Dec 16, 2019 12:43 pm

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2477887

        Warning – once you start taking version control into your own hands, only trouble lays ahead. Been there.. My advice, is to use the provided in the MINT repo’s

        Was also warned at the top of this thread but chose to ignore../sigh

        If debian is good enough for NASA...
        1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2477943

      For the record, let me say that by no means am I attempting to be a hero.  I freely admit to being over my head here.  I have little confidence in my computer “skills” and view some of the choices I’m driven to make with apprehension.  It is not lost on me that there are considerable holes in my understanding.  This forum has helped me recover from multiple missteps and I greatly appreciate it.

      That said, a little history- I moved into Linux from W7 when it became evident that W10 not only was a problematical release, but that MS was intent on looking over my shoulder.  Dropped anything Google-related for the same reason.  Fast forward a couple of years- a problem with faxing files (a function I occasionally need for safety reasons) arose some time back, and at that time the advice was to install the newest hplip pkg, v. 3.22.4, which was offered on Sourceforge as a CLI install.  My heart rate came mostly back to normal when I found that the procedure, once started, was 98% automatic, and was apparently successful.  The file faxing sequence was functional from then on.  No idea whether that updated driver pkg should then be listed in Synaptic, but it wasn’t- yet something enabled those faxes.  I’m not sure if the newer pkg is installed or not.

      Next major crisis arose earlier this year, when Firefox began freezing randomly, several times costing me the loss of half-finished operations.  Turned out to be a widespread although sporadic problem, as yet unresolved AFAIK, and in my case the advice, here and elsewhere, was to replace our vintage 2008 computer.  It has been a challenging effort to get “moved in” from the old machine, but as of now all local files are copied into the new pc.  However- a significant snag is the loss of the file-faxing function.  Having found no guidance as to what to do, I thought back to my previous hplip experience, and attempted to update the driver pkg, first to the current version, and when that failed, to the version I think I installed previously, mentioned above.  All this is out of my comfort range, but I can’t find an alternative.

      As of now the old pc is temporarily set up in the basement, with the only available network connection via a wifi antenna, in itself a deviation from the security of a hard-wired hookup.  In addition to this forum, I have inquiries out to the Mint and hplip boards, but I’m still at an impasse.  Please consider my ham-handed efforts as acts of desperation, rather than insouciance.  Still in search of a solution.

    • #2477944

      You need to completely remove all HP Printer drivers and packages you have installed. Go back to the Linux Mint Repo and install the one they have for you. Then after all is working *again* on your computer’s printer look into why the fax is failing. PKCano answered you the last time this happened months ago.

      This is what led to the hplip 3.22.4 update mentioned above.  No other corrective solutions found when searching various troubleshooting resources.

    • #2478441

      I’ve reread the AskWoody topic mintman linked to above. There are 2 issues addressed in that topic. The first is a software issue which is addressed in about the first half of the topic up through about May 11. Slowpoke47 seems to have solved that issue.

      The second issue is about a new replacement board in the all-in-one HP and then getting the HP to connect with a router. PKCano’s instructions for connecting to the router seem to have worked. But since the HP presumably still has the new board in it, it (the HP) should still be able to connect to the router. While it wouldn’t hurt to run through those instructions again to make sure the HP is still recognized by the router, it seems unlikely that there is a router-HP communication issue. Slowpoke47, can you get your computer back to the same driver software you had when the fax started to work back around May 11? Perhaps by doing what you did in that Topic?

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2478616

      Slowpoke47, can you get your computer back to the same driver software you had when the fax started to work back around May 11? Perhaps by doing what you did in that Topic?

      That was with our old computer, all printer functions were by then and to this day still working.  That machine, which runs Mate 19.2,  remains connected to network on a temporary basis via wifi since hardwired connection to router not an option.

      Just ran <hp-check> in Terminal- substantial output including statement that Mint 20.3 is not supported for automatic install along with a list of missing dependencies.  This output lists several communication failures with dates and that is likely when the hplip drivers in Synaptic were temporarily uninstalled.  Perhaps someone more versed in Terminal use can point me in the right direction?

      user@user-OptiPlex-5060:~$ hp-check
      Saving output in log file: /home/user/hp-check.log

      HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.21.8)
      Dependency/Version Check Utility ver. 15.1

      Copyright (c) 2001-18 HP Development Company, LP
      This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
      This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
      under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.

      Note: hp-check can be run in three modes:
      1. Compile-time check mode (-c or –compile): Use this mode before compiling the
      HPLIP supplied tarball (.tar.gz or .run) to determine if the proper dependencies
      are installed to successfully compile HPLIP.
      2. Run-time check mode (-r or –run): Use this mode to determine if a distro
      supplied package (.deb, .rpm, etc) or an already built HPLIP supplied tarball
      has the proper dependencies installed to successfully run.
      3. Both compile- and run-time check mode (-b or –both) (Default): This mode
      will check both of the above cases (both compile- and run-time dependencies).

      Check types:
      a. EXTERNALDEP – External Dependencies
      b. GENERALDEP – General Dependencies (required both at compile and run time)
      c. COMPILEDEP – Compile time Dependencies
      d. [All are run-time checks]

      Status Types:
      MISSING – Missing Dependency or Permission or Plug-in
      INCOMPAT – Incompatible dependency-version or Plugin-version

      warning: linuxmint-20.3 version is not supported. Using linuxmint-20.2 versions dependencies to verify and install…

      | SYSTEM INFO |

      Kernel: 5.4.0-125-generic #141-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 10 13:42:03 UTC 2022 GNU/Linux
      Host: user-OptiPlex-5060
      Proc: 5.4.0-125-generic #141-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 10 13:42:03 UTC 2022 GNU/Linux
      Distribution: linuxmint 20.3
      Bitness: 64 bit


      HPLIP-Version: HPLIP 3.21.8
      HPLIP-Home: /usr/share/hplip
      warning: HPLIP-Installation: Auto installation is not supported for linuxmint distro 20.3 version

      Current contents of ‘/etc/hp/hplip.conf’ file:
      # hplip.conf. Generated from hplip.conf.in by configure.


      # Following values are determined at configure time and cannot be changed.

      Current contents of ‘/var/lib/hp/hplip.state’ file:
      installed = 1
      eula = 1
      version = 3.21.8

      Current contents of ‘~/.hplip/hplip.conf’ file:
      scan = /usr/bin/simple-scan %SANE_URI%

      email_address =
      voice_phone =

      date_time = 09/16/22 07:59:28
      version = 3.21.8

      device_uri = “hpfax:/net/HP_LaserJet_M1522nf_MFP?ip=”
      printer_name = HP_LaserJet_M1522nf_MFP_fax
      working_dir = .

      device_list =
      enable = false
      interval = 5

      enable = false
      rate = 30
      type = 1

      systray_messages = 0
      systray_visible = 0

      last_upgraded_time = 1662634632
      notify_upgrade = true
      pending_upgrade_time = 0

      <Package-name> <Package-Desc> <Required/Optional> <Min-Version> <Installed-Version> <Status> <Comment>

      | External Dependencies |

      error: cups CUPS – Common Unix Printing System REQUIRED 1.1 – INCOMPAT ‘CUPS may not be installed or not running’
      gs GhostScript – PostScript and PDF language interpreter and previewer REQUIRED 7.05 9.50 OK –
      error: xsane xsane – Graphical scanner frontend for SANE OPTIONAL 0.9 – MISSING ‘xsane needs to be installed’
      scanimage scanimage – Shell scanning program OPTIONAL 1.0 1.0.29 OK –
      error: dbus DBus – Message bus system REQUIRED – 1.12.16 MISSING ‘DBUS may not be installed or not running’
      policykit PolicyKit – Administrative policy framework OPTIONAL – 0.105 OK –
      network network -wget OPTIONAL – 1.20.3 OK –
      avahi-utils avahi-utils OPTIONAL – 0.7 OK –

      | General Dependencies |

      error: libjpeg libjpeg – JPEG library REQUIRED – – MISSING ‘libjpeg needs to be installed’
      error: cups-devel CUPS devel- Common Unix Printing System development files REQUIRED – – MISSING ‘cups-devel needs to be installed’
      error: cups-image CUPS image – CUPS image development files REQUIRED – – MISSING ‘cups-image needs to be installed’
      libpthread libpthread – POSIX threads library REQUIRED – b’2.31′ OK –
      error: libusb libusb – USB library REQUIRED – 1.0 MISSING ‘libusb needs to be installed’
      sane SANE – Scanning library REQUIRED – – OK –
      error: sane-devel SANE – Scanning library development files REQUIRED – – MISSING ‘sane-devel needs to be installed’
      error: libavahi-dev libavahi-dev REQUIRED – – MISSING ‘libavahi-dev needs to be installed’
      error: libnetsnmp-devel libnetsnmp-devel – SNMP networking library development files REQUIRED 5.0.9 – MISSING ‘libnetsnmp-devel needs to be installed’
      error: libcrypto libcrypto – OpenSSL cryptographic library REQUIRED – 1.1.1 MISSING ‘libcrypto needs to be installed’
      python3X Python 2.2 or greater – Python programming language REQUIRED 2.2 3.8.10 OK –
      python3-notify2 Python libnotify – Python bindings for the libnotify Desktop notifications OPTIONAL – – OK –
      error: python3-pyqt4-dbus PyQt 4 DBus – DBus Support for PyQt4 OPTIONAL 4.0 – MISSING ‘python3-pyqt4-dbus needs to be installed’
      error: python3-pyqt4 PyQt 4- Qt interface for Python (for Qt version 4.x) REQUIRED 4.0 – MISSING ‘python3-pyqt4 needs to be installed’
      python3-dbus Python DBus – Python bindings for DBus REQUIRED 0.80.0 1.2.16 OK –
      python3-xml Python XML libraries REQUIRED – 2.2.9 OK –
      error: python3-devel Python devel – Python development files REQUIRED 2.2 3.8.10 MISSING ‘python3-devel needs to be installed’
      python3-pil PIL – Python Imaging Library (required for commandline scanning with hp-scan) OPTIONAL – 7.0.0 OK –
      python3-reportlab Reportlab – PDF library for Python OPTIONAL 2.0 3.5.34 OK –

      | COMPILEDEP |

      error: libtool libtool – Library building support services REQUIRED – – MISSING ‘libtool needs to be installed’
      error: gcc gcc – GNU Project C and C++ Compiler REQUIRED – 9.4.0 MISSING ‘gcc needs to be installed’
      make make – GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs REQUIRED 3.0 4.2.1 OK –

      | Python Extentions |

      cupsext CUPS-Extension REQUIRED – 3.21.8 OK –
      hpmudext IO-Extension REQUIRED – 3.21.8 OK –

      | Scan Configuration |

      ‘/etc/sane.d/dll.d/hpaio’ not found.
      hpaio HPLIP-SANE-Backend REQUIRED – 3.21.8 OK ‘hpaio found in /etc/sane.d/dll.conf’
      scanext Scan-SANE-Extension REQUIRED – 3.21.8 OK –


      device `hpaio:/net/HP_LaserJet_M1522nf_MFP?ip=′ is a Hewlett-Packard HP_LaserJet_M1522nf_MFP all-in-one


      No devices found.


      Type: Printer
      Device URI: hp:/net/HP_LaserJet_M1522nf_MFP?ip=
      PPD: /etc/cups/ppd/Hewlett-Packard-HP-LaserJet-M1522nf-MFP.ppd
      warning: Failed to read /etc/cups/ppd/Hewlett-Packard-HP-LaserJet-M1522nf-MFP.ppd ppd file
      PPD Description:
      Printer status: printer Hewlett-Packard-HP-LaserJet-M1522nf-MFP disabled since Tue 06 SeBackend /usr/lib/cups/backend/hp does not exist!
      Required plug-in status: Installed
      Communication status: Good

      Type: Printer
      Device URI: hp:/net/HP_LaserJet_M1522nf_MFP?ip=
      PPD: /etc/cups/ppd/HP_LaserJet_M1522nf_MFP.ppd
      warning: Failed to read /etc/cups/ppd/HP_LaserJet_M1522nf_MFP.ppd ppd file
      PPD Description:
      Printer status: printer HP_LaserJet_M1522nf_MFP disabled since Thu 08 Sep 2022 04:24:04 Backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/hp does not exist!
      Required plug-in status: Installed
      Communication status: Good

      Type: Fax
      Device URI: hpfax:/net/HP_LaserJet_M1522nf_MFP?ip=
      PPD: /etc/cups/ppd/HP_LaserJet_M1522nf_MFP_fax.ppd
      warning: Failed to read /etc/cups/ppd/HP_LaserJet_M1522nf_MFP_fax.ppd ppd file
      PPD Description:
      Printer status: printer HP_LaserJet_M1522nf_MFP_fax disabled since Mon 12 Sep 2022 03:20File “/usr/lib/cups/filter/hpcupsfax” not available: No such file or directory
      Required plug-in status: Installed
      Communication status: Good

      | PERMISSION |

      | SUMMARY |

      Missing Required Dependencies
      error: ‘libcups2’ package is missing/incompatible
      error: ‘libdbus-1-dev’ package is missing/incompatible
      error: ‘libjpeg8-dev’ package is missing/incompatible
      error: ‘libcups2-dev’ package is missing/incompatible
      error: ‘cups-bsd’ package is missing/incompatible
      error: ‘cups-client’ package is missing/incompatible
      error: ‘libcupsimage2-dev’ package is missing/incompatible
      error: ‘libusb-1.0.0-dev’ package is missing/incompatible
      error: ‘libsane-dev’ package is missing/incompatible
      error: ‘libavahi-client-dev’ package is missing/incompatible
      error: ‘libavahi-core-dev’ package is missing/incompatible
      error: ‘libavahi-common-dev’ package is missing/incompatible
      error: ‘python3-dev’ package is missing/incompatible
      error: ‘libtool’ package is missing/incompatible
      error: ‘libtool-bin’ package is missing/incompatible
      error: ‘build-essential’ package is missing/incompatible

      Missing Optional Dependencies
      error: ‘xsane’ package is missing/incompatible

      Total Errors: 16
      Total Warnings: 0


    • #2478701

      You need to completely remove all HP Printer drivers and packages you have installed. Go back to the Linux Mint Repo and install the one they have for you. Then after all is working *again* on your computer’s printer look into why the fax is failing.

      You are running Mint Mate 20.3. The HPLIP 3.21.8 is not designed for that version of Mint. That is why it said, “warning: HPLIP-Installation: Auto installation is not supported for linuxmint distro 20.3 version”.

      HPLIP 3.21.8 Released with RHEL 8.4, Linux Mint 20.2 & More Printers Support
      Last updated: September 6, 2021

      You said in the 1st post, “Synaptic shows hplip 3.21.8 mostly pre-installed, see s/shot.” Uninstall your HPLIP and reinstall from the Mint repo. Check the version. If you are still getting the 3.21.8, which is not for Mint 20.3, then did you do what DAMIEN1307 said in the above post #2477691 that states, “download ALL updates available and reboot to pick up the latest kernel in series, etc.”

      Then go back to the Linux Mint Repo and install the one they have for your Mint 20.3.

      • #2479108

        Note the Terminal output stating that the Synaptic version of hplip cannot be installed via Svnaptic.

    • #2478803

      I’m running Mint 20.3 with no printers of any kind ever installed. Yet Software Manager shows hplip 3.21.8 as installed (open Software Manager then search for hplip). Seems puzzling that I would have a program installed that is incompatible with my operating system version. There are some interesting comments , though, that might be worth reading even though they are not specifically for @Slowpoke47’s printer.

      Given the confusion it seems that it might be simpler to install Mint 20.2, which as I read things is compatible with 3.21.8, or at least has a compatible hplip version. I’m sure installing 20.2 will be a pain you would rather not go through but it sounds like it would work. You will still get the same duration of support as with 20.3 (until April 2025, I think).

      One other thing. When I go to Settings/Printers I can look up a list of printers and Slowpoke’s printer is listed. That implies that at least some of the functions of Slowpoke’s multi function printer are supported.

      Edit – By “confusion” above I’m referring to the comments I read in Software Manager, where it seems that various hplip versions are claimed to be either compatible or incompatible with various Mint versions.

    • #2479083

      Back to old pc- Synaptic shows 5 elements of hplip 3.17.10 installed. At the time, installing the rest of the hplip 3.17.10 in Synaptic did not enable faxing.  This is the machine that could not fax until I installed hplip 3.22.4 some months back.  Ran <hp-check>, output shows 3.22.4 is in fact installed, makes sense given the enabling of the fax function.  But more recent advice was to remove all elements of older hplip so as not to conflict w/ newer install.  Just removed them, <hp-check> didn’t work, see Terminal output:

      steve@steve-Inspiron-519:~$ hp-check

      Command ‘hp-check’ not found, but can be installed with:

      sudo apt install hplip

      steve@steve-Inspiron-519:~$ sudo apt install hplip
      [sudo] password for steve:
      Reading package lists… Done
      Building dependency tree
      Reading state information… Done
      The following additional packages will be installed:
      hplip-data libhpmud0 libsane-hpaio printer-driver-hpcups
      Suggested packages:
      hplip-doc hplip-gui
      The following NEW packages will be installed:
      hplip hplip-data libhpmud0 libsane-hpaio printer-driver-hpcups
      0 upgraded, 6 newly installed, 0 to remove and 74 not upgraded.
      Need to get 8,750 kB of archives.
      After this operation, 16.8 MB of additional disk space will be used.
      Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
      Get:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic/main amd64 hplip-data all 3.17.10+repack0-5 [6,392 kB]
      Get:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic/main amd64 libhpmud0 amd64 3.17.10+repack0-5 [108 kB]
      Get:3 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic/main amd64 libsane-hpaio amd64 3.17.10+repack0-5 [121 kB]
      Get:4 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic/main amd64 printer-driver-hpcups amd64 3.17.10+repack0-5 [251 kB]
      Get:5 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic/main amd64 hplip amd64 3.17.10+repack0-5 [1,035 kB]
      Get:6 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic/main amd64 printer-driver-postscript-hp all 3.17.10+repack0-5 [844 kB]
      Fetched 8,750 kB in 3s (2,589 kB/s)
      Selecting previously unselected package hplip-data.
      (Reading database … 406780 files and directories currently installed.)
      Preparing to unpack …/0-hplip-data_3.17.10+repack0-5_all.deb …
      Unpacking hplip-data (3.17.10+repack0-5) …
      Selecting previously unselected package libhpmud0:amd64.
      Preparing to unpack …/1-libhpmud0_3.17.10+repack0-5_amd64.deb …
      Unpacking libhpmud0:amd64 (3.17.10+repack0-5) …
      Selecting previously unselected package libsane-hpaio:amd64.
      Preparing to unpack …/2-libsane-hpaio_3.17.10+repack0-5_amd64.deb …
      Unpacking libsane-hpaio:amd64 (3.17.10+repack0-5) …
      Selecting previously unselected package printer-driver-hpcups.
      Preparing to unpack …/3-printer-driver-hpcups_3.17.10+repack0-5_amd64.deb …
      Unpacking printer-driver-hpcups (3.17.10+repack0-5) …
      Selecting previously unselected package hplip.
      Preparing to unpack …/4-hplip_3.17.10+repack0-5_amd64.deb …
      Unpacking hplip (3.17.10+repack0-5) …
      Selecting previously unselected package printer-driver-postscript-hp.
      Preparing to unpack …/5-printer-driver-postscript-hp_3.17.10+repack0-5_all.deb …
      Unpacking printer-driver-postscript-hp (3.17.10+repack0-5) …
      Setting up hplip-data (3.17.10+repack0-5) …
      Setting up libhpmud0:amd64 (3.17.10+repack0-5) …
      Setting up libsane-hpaio:amd64 (3.17.10+repack0-5) …
      Setting up printer-driver-hpcups (3.17.10+repack0-5) …
      Setting up hplip (3.17.10+repack0-5) …
      Creating/updating hplip user account…
      Setting up printer-driver-postscript-hp (3.17.10+repack0-5) …
      Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.27-3ubuntu1.6) …
      Processing triggers for man-db (2.8.3-2ubuntu0.1) …
      Processing triggers for dbus (1.12.2-1ubuntu1.3) …
      Processing triggers for cups (2.2.7-1ubuntu2.9) …

      With this done, <hp-check> again reports 3.22.4 installed, all functional.  Seems to be no conflict between the two versions.  Note the contrast between the Terminal output from command <hp-check> from new pc (posted above) and this output.

      Also learned- apps installed outside of Synaptic are not added to Synaptic repo.


      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2479193

        Tell me if this is correct: On your old computer you just uninstalled 3.17.10 and found that <hp-check> didn’t work.

        What did you then do that resulted in <hp-check> saying 3.22.4 was installed?

        I’m also confused because when I look here:

        it says the version 3.22.2 added support for Mint 20.3. If that’s true I would expect that 3.22.4 would also support Mint 20.3. And yet 3.22.4 apparently doesn’t work?. It also says that 3.21.8 added support for Mint 20.2, which implies that 3.21.8 doesn’t support Mint 20.3. But if 2.21.8 doesn’t support Mint 20.3, why is it installed on my Mint 20.3 computer? I’ve never installed it.

        1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2479200

      What did you then do that resulted in saying 3.22.4 was installed?

      Look at the first few lines of that Terminal output- instructions were to reinstall 3.17.10.  Then <hp-check> generated the rest of the output.

      it says the version 3.22.2 added support for Mint 20.3. If that’s true I would expect that 3.22.4 would also support Mint 20.3. And yet 3.22.4 apparently doesn’t work?. It also says that 3.21.8 added support for Mint 20.2, which implies that 3.21.8 doesn’t support Mint 20.3. But if 2.21.8 doesn’t support Mint 20.3, why is it installed on my Mint 20.3 computer? I’ve never installed it.

      All good questions. No answers here.  See Terminal output from new pc (earlier of the two posts).  I’m with you- why would Terminal say not supported, while it’s listed in Synaptic?

      No time just now to follow up, but a member on the Mint forum says he installed 3.22.2  when he couldn’t get anywhere with .4 or .6.  His OS is 21.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2481000

      Hello Slowpoke, I notice that no help is forthcoming in either the Mint forum or here. I remember Microfix stating, “Warning – once you start taking version control into your own hands, only trouble lays ahead. Been there..”. I understand your logic in that if version 3.22.4 worked on one computer, it should on the other, but you can’t seem to get it installed.

      I would recommend you going back to the Mint drivers and once they are installed and your printer is running, or not, then move from that point. If the printer works, but other functions don’t, ask for help concerning what is failing. Let everyone know you are using the proper Mint 20.3 drivers as was mentioned before, and even with these Mint drivers something is failing to operate.

      Otherwise if you are determined to use the HPLIP drivers from HP, please see the below sites that go into installing HPLIP 3.22.6 with instructions and screenshots (of them installing 3.17.10 as an example) and see if that works for you.

      Installer Walkthrough

      What is the HPLIP Binary Plug-In and How Do I Install It?

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2481379

        If you’ve read the Terminal output in this thread, you’ll see that your suggestion has already led to a dead end.  Terminal reports that the hplip pkg in Synaptic cannot be installed automatically(!?).  Just recently began setting up this new pc, both apps I’ve tried to install have had screwball problems.  I have used both of these apps (hplip & veeam) on our old machine, installed by me, no clouds in the sky at all.  Both remain functional on our old machine.  As you point out, no one as yet has an answer.  (A difficult ask in any case, via third-party “remote control.”)

        Since this was a new install, I’ve gone back to square one today with a new OS download, checksums match, installation almost complete and configured, bookmarks and local files imported, most tweaks completed.  Intent is to replace a possible faulty install- unlikely to see two in a row.  In a day or two, after test-driving this install, I’ll make further attempts to add the apps.

    • #2484109

      New instance of Mate 20.3 appears to be correct, Veeam and Musescore apps installed, also seem correct.  Just found this tutorial:


      Looks like the official path to hplip install.  Planning to use v. 3.22.4 which I know from past experience enables all printer functions and seems that these steps prevent any possible interference of Mate-included older hplip version with new install.  Also I learned on this page the difference between a run file and tarball, at least in this instance- run is for automatic install and tar.gz is for manual.  A little further study before starting.  If you hear a cry of anguish from coastal RI, US- the install failed.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2484499

      Well… no joy.  The Mate install appears correct, two other apps not in Synaptic now installed.  Used the same tutorial as in the old pc for hplip:


      Opted for the automatic install, version hplip-3.22.4, which uses the .run file- that tutorial renders the user mostly an observer, a little input here and there. The install went great… until the plugin install at the end.   This returned an error message, “checksums do not match” so, no plugin and limited printer function.  The installer found both downloads no problem.  Just for the heckuvit, ran the same sequence with 3.22.2 and .6, same result each time.  The Mate-supplied hplip pkg, (3.21.8), which didn’t support faxing (thus leading to this adventure) was uninstalled before beginning.

      Now- chapter 2- back to the old machine today (runs Mate 19.2), the hplip appearance was a little “odd” so I reinstalled the pkg and plugin (3.22.4, as before) from the same sources as used in the effort described above.  BUT- in this pc, the install AND the plugin went right in, no hiccups.  After doing that, I confirmed that all printer functions are 100%, faxing included.  This is as it has been since last April when that pkg was installed.

      The only thing at variance is the newer Mate install in the new pc.  Could it be that 20.3 does not fully support the hplip suite?  And, if yes, what are the chances for an update to come along and address this deficiency?  Can a mere mortal lobby the Mint developers?

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2484507

        When I read this link https://developers.hp.com/hp-linux-imaging-and-printing/release_notes it seems that there are some inconsistencies in which versions of HPLIP are compatible with which versions of Mint. It does seem that Mint 20.2 is supported by more versions of HPLIP than is 20.3.

        I think the people you want to appeal to are the HP people, who don’t seem to be very attentive to detail.

        Your situation reminds me of what I encountered trying to get a Canon all in one set up on an iMAC. The iMAC advertised that it would recognize “almost all printers”, but of course, it didn’t recognize the Canon. I don’t remember anymore whether the Canon website had the software for the mac OS version I had, but if it did, it didn’t work. The software listed for the two previous versions of the mac OS didn’t work either. I finally got lucky and the software for the third previous version worked.

        I think in general that software developers spend a lot of time on Windows development – which I get because that’s roughly 90% of the market – but often at the expense of macOS and Linux.

        I’m pretty much out of ideas other than try installing Mint 20.2 and seeing if the printer will work (probably not a terribly appealing option), or maybe getting a new printer that’s advertised as working with Mint 20.3. I think the Mint website has links to vendors, and some of them might be able to guarantee that a particular printer will work.

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #2484669

          Fortunately, this is not urgent currently, but I need to address it before it becomes so.  Emails, and thus, attachments, are not truly secure these days, even if you don’t use gmail.  I believe a faxed doc is indeed secure, as long as there is no wifi involved on the sender’s end.

          Since I have previous exchanges with him, I have first emailed Clement Lefebvre at Mint to ask if a patch can be created.  Possibly my being a regular Mint donor might engender some small consideration.  But I have no individual connection with the HP developers.

          Plan B is to follow up with this site:    https://faxauthority.com/linux-fax/

          Replacing the system has to be the final resort, and in any case would be good only until an older release reaches end of support.

          1 user thanked author for this post.
          • #2484706

            I understand you don’t want to replace the system (operating system). I wouldn’t want to either. But FWIW Mint 20.2 will be supported just as long as 20.3 will be (April 2025, IIRC).

            1 user thanked author for this post.
          • #2484713

            The faxauthority link mentions a program called hylaFAX, I just checked Synaptic Package Manager and Software Manager and it’s in both. I didn’t check any other mentioned programs.

            1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2484716

      Hello Slowpoke, I am very sorry to hear the HPLIP on your new computer with Mint 20.3 won’t install. Both Dr.Bonzo and I though it was odd to see an error message in your printout from the attempted HPLIP installation stating Mint 20.3 was not supported, and it was going to use the 20.2 method.

      Bonzo has mentioned this and I agree that if your email to Clement does not come forth with any good news, you might want to install Mint 20.2 on your computer. You could rely on your Veeam backup to put back 20.3 if it turns out to be a wasted effort. You could also make a dual boot, or replace the drive (keeping your Mint 20.3 drive in a safe place). Since it is a recent install of 20.3 it may be a reasonable test to see if HPLIP will install on 20.2 by trying to install HPLIP 3.22.4 as the first item in your list. If successful, then move on to Veeam and any other program you need. If not successful go back to 20.3.

      You could also consider having a dual boot with 19.2 and 20.3 and use the 19.2 only, when you need to fax (even after its EOL).

      Otherwise do you have the space to put both computers together in the same room using the 19.2 again only for faxing.

      Good luck.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2484869

      All these suggestions appreciated.  As you can see by my earlier post, I’m looking for the “cleanest” possible method.  We fax files only occasionally, but always for an important reason.  No permanent place available in the office for the old computer, currently set up on a workbench in the middle of my woodworking shop and tucked in with an old sheet.  A dual boot is a possibility.  The fax site mentioned above lists several options that don’t involve subscribing to an online fax service, which would be counterproductive to the need for privacy.  There are external fax modems available for not much money, another possibility if I cannot win with the current setup.  That last choice is, of course, preferred.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2491553

      Well… sometimes life throws you a bone.  After all efforts to get file faxing enabled on this new pc, I put this on back burner about 3 weeks ago, leaving hplip 3.22.2 installed in lieu of the default 3.21.8.  The file-faxing procedure failed due to “missing plugin” on 3.22.2, .4, and .6.  Plugin not available.  At that time I had sent an email to Clement Lefebvre, but had no response.

      Fast forward to yesterday- first attempt to scan with this machine returned error message “plugin needed” and presented an option to retrieve and install said plugin.  With plugin installed, scan completed.  On a whim I then tried the faxing function, and waddya know- successfully faxed test file from home page!

      Sometimes procrastinating pays off…

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2498098

      OP here- this saga has a happy ending, but a final comment is needed.  My success in my previous post was temporary.  Finally dawned on me to run <hp-check> and the output included a warning- Mint 20.3 does not support automatic install.  I had been trying to do just that, using the HP tutorial and the .run file.  Several dependencies were missing.

      I then downloaded the hplip3.22.4 tarball and installed it using this tutorial- How to install hplip on Ubuntu – Edoardo Vignati  Completed a couple of days ago, all functions including file faxing performing like clockwork.  Well pleased to have this resolved.  Unlike email with attachments, AFAIK a fax is unhackable.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
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