The AskWoody Newsletter
In this issue QUICK TIP: Using Windows 10 Quick Assist in reverse BEST OF THE LOUNGE: MS-DEFCON 4 Additional articles in the PLUS issue LANGALIST: Finding working drivers for an older PC PUBLIC DEFENDER: There are no USB cables any more PATCH WATCH: You think you’ve been hacked? BEST UTILITIES: Freeware Spotlight — DISM_GUI
QUICK TIP Using Windows 10 Quick Assist in reverse
By Will Fastie Instead of helping someone with remote control, Quick Assist can be used as a demonstration tool. The simple difference between a screen-sharing tool (Skype, Zoom) and a remote-control tool such as Quick Assist is that the latter is one-way. Once the session is underway, the roles of the two systems involved cannot be swapped. I explained the goal and operation of Quick Assist in my previous article for AskWoody, Windows 10 Quick Assist: Fast, simple, and free (Issue 17.46.0, 2020-11-23). The goal makes clear why Quick Assist is one-way — it is intended to allow one person to help another by gaining remote access to the recipient. The person being helped retains full control of their system, while the person helping can see everything that is happening and, if given permission, can control the remote PC. The key to this arrangement is that all the action happens on the recipient’s PC. If the helper wants to demonstrate a procedure or software feature, and has been granted control by the recipient, the helper can grab the mouse and proceed. But what if the demonstration involves something that the recipient’s PC does not support? Suppose the helper’s goal is to demonstrate Adobe Photoshop Elements (PSE) and the recipient does not have that program? Or something that is in Windows 10 Pro and not Windows 10 Home? Crossing the streams
Even though this kind of demonstration is not its intended purpose, Quick Assist can be used that way. It’s not much of a trick, really, and there is only one requirement — that the person receiving the demonstration have a Microsoft account. Both parties launch Quick Assist on their respective PCs. You’ll find the utility on Windows 10’s start menu under W in the Windows Accessories folder. The dialog to the left appears on both PCs. It is here that Quick Assist is told who is the helper and who is the recipient. And it is here that the reversal happens. The person who wishes to give the demonstration will choose Get assistance while the person viewing the demonstration will choose Give assistance. The terminology can be confusing. The important thing to remember is that with Quick Assist, the person giving assistance is the one who views the other person’s PC. Thus to view a demonstration, that person must choose Give assistance even though that’s not what is actually happening. From here, the rest of the connection process is relatively simple. The person “giving assistance” must log in with a Microsoft account and the person “getting assistance” (the one who is giving the demonstration) will be asked whether to grant full control or allow viewing only. The latter is the appropriate choice in this case. See my previous article for the full sequence. Once the connection process is complete, the person who chose Get assistance can begin the demonstration, and the other person will see everything. I do wish that Quick Assist had a built-in feature to allow switching roles while a session was active. But it is not very hard to launch Quick Assist in reverse.
Will Fastie is editor in chief of the AskWoody Plus Newsletter. Best of the Lounge MS-DEFCON 4
This past week, two forum threads regarding the lowering of the AskWoody MS-DEFCON level to 4 garnered the most interest. See Install the February updates, skip that Secure boot and February updates trigger few issues. LANGALIST AskWoody Plus member Stargazer mentions the higher reliability he has experienced running Windows in a macOS VM, while others confirmed their difficulties with similar hardware. There is also sharp criticism of CCleaner. PATCH LADY POSTS Attacks on Exchange servers made the headlines last week and the forum posts reflect the concern over this issue. DATABASE AskWoody Plus member areader asked for help finding a simple relational database program similar to one he had used years ago. This triggered some reminiscing and a few suggestions. Do you have any ideas? SECURITY Opinions differ, but the forum topic is interesting. What do you think?
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