Say goodnight, Flash. We hardly knew ye.
© 2013 Lunar Eclipse
Ye haven’t an arm, ye haven’t a leg, hurroo, hurroo
Ye haven’t an arm, ye haven’t a leg, hurroo, hurroo
Ye haven’t an arm, ye haven’t a leg,
Ye’re an armless, boneless, chickenless egg
Ye’ll have to put with a bowl out to beg
Adobe Flash I hardly knew yeOne of the most reviled products in PC history — deservedly so! — officially hits the skids on December 30.
Adobe’s been warning us since July, 2015 that Flash’s time is at an end:
open standards like HTML5, WebGL and WebAssembly have matured over the past several years, most now provide many of the capabilities and functionalities that plugins pioneered and have become a viable alternative for content on the web.
Now it’s official:
Adobe will stop distributing and updating Flash Player after December 31, 2020… with three years’ advance notice, we believed that would allow sufficient time for developers, designers, businesses, and other parties to migrate existing Flash content as needed to new, open standards… Adobe will be removing Flash Player download pages from its site and Flash-based content will be blocked from running in Adobe Flash Player after the EOL Date.
At long last.