I know that I can enable DoH in Firefox using Cloudflare or NextDNS. There is an option to use a custom server, which I’d like to do.
I currently use Quad9 as my dns, I set that as my dns in my router. Can you configure DoH in the router or is just at the browser level? How do I set Quad9 as my custom DoH in Firefox? I entered the Quad9 DoH url in the custom box, then checked the Cloudfare Browser Checker @ https://www.cloudflare.com/ssl/encrypted-sni/ . The results showed that I wasn’t using DoH. But if I changed from custom to Cloudfare, it came back I was using DoH.
Not sure if that is just some hanky panky on Cloudfare’s part to convince you to use their service or if I am doing something wrong in entering the info to use Quad9. Any help in configuring Quad9 for DoH either at the router level (preferred) or in Firefox will be greatly appreciated.