• Patch Lady – my response

    To keep everyone in the loop:


    As I said in my response… I know this has to be better and I honestly trust in that process.

    And this is what I sent back to the customer support response I got as well as once again ccing and emailing Mr. Nadella, Mr. Picoto and Mr. Guthrie below:

    Thank you ____ for reaching out to me. Just so that you are aware I actually have bugged into the feedback venue on this same issue a few months ago – see here: https://aka.ms/AA1aitt In fact it’s because of this earlier feedback posting that I went to the broader patching community to get their viewpoints and then reached out to Microsoft in the form of emailing Mr. Nadella, Mr. Picoto, and Mr. Guthrie as I saw things getting worse, not better after I entered my feedback into the Windows feedback process.

    My apologies if I didn’t make all of you aware of this before but I am fully aware of how Windows 10 updating model works. I have in fact given courses on Windows 10 updating at several technology conferences, I write on the topic and give guidance to IT professionals, consultants and consumers as to patching processes and side effects.

    https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Windows-IT-Pro-Blog/Windows-10-update-servicing-cadence/ba-p/222376 A recent blog post points out what I think is the disconnect between what the goals of Microsoft are and the reality of Windows servicing today.

    It indicates that Microsoft uses the principles of being simple and predictable, agile and transparent. But that’s the thing, it hasn’t been in the past few months. It’s been chaotic, we’ve had a lack of clear communication, nor has it been as agile as it could have been with updates not being released to all platforms (we’ve had to import updates into WSUS, or the C and D patches aren’t offered on the WU channel for example).

    We in the patching community would love it if you followed those principles. Please do so.

    We in the patching community would request one agility change: that in the cadence of feature releases. Twice a year is causing too much disruption in the management of technology. It’s causing firms to not be fluid in their updates. It’s causing too many firms to consider LTSB as a means to slow down the cadence.

    Since I didn’t open this service request, it is not my place to close it. I once again am emailing the individuals on my initial email to follow up that they better understand my ask: Please be simple. Please be predictable. Please be transparent. Please don’t compromise quality or compatibility. Finally please do understand the feature release cadence is too disruptive to your customer base.

    Thank you for your anticipated follow up to my letter. I know as a shareholder and customer of your software that you HAVE to be just as concerned as I am about the quality issues of Windows patches. I urge you to go back to my letter where I have several recommendations and consider ways to improve. This has to get better and I anticipate that you are just as concerned as I am about this issue.

    Thanking you again, Susan Bradley

    Moderator at Patchmanagement.org

    Writer on the topic of patches for Askwoody.com
    August 3, 2018