• CCleaner 5.45 removed

    A couple of days ago, Martin Brinkmann (on ghacks.net) wrote:

    Don’t install or upgrade to CCleaner 5.45

    Piriform/Avast released CCleaner 5.45 recently to the public that Windows users may not want to install or upgrade to.

    Today, Lawrence Abrams (on bleepingcomputer.com) wrote:

    CCleaner v5.45 Pulled Due to Anger Over Usage Data Collection

    It has not been a good week for Piriform’s PC cleaning tool CCleaner. With the release of CCleaner version 5.45, it was quickly discovered that the program’s “Active Monitoring” component, which is utilized to send anonymous usage data back to Piriform, could no longer be disabled.
    First discovered by Ghacks.net, users of version 5.45 discovered that unlike previous versions there was no privacy setting that allowed you to disable the sending of anonymous usage information to Piriform.

    This was discussed here on Piriform CCleaner & Speccy

    Now, feedback has resulted in changes, as noted on piriform.com today:

    Today we have removed v5.45 and reverted to v5.44 as the main download for CCleaner while we work on a new version with several key improvements. You can grab version 5.44 from one of the links [below]:

    (You can find those download links here)

    It’s nice to know that feedback can make a difference, while they go back to their drawing boards, trying to keep their customers happier.