• New statement about Win10 1703 (Creators Update) corporate security

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    Microsoft just posted a detailed look at the new security features available in the next version of Windows 10, known as Creators (no apostrophe) Upda
    [See the full post at: New statement about Win10 1703 (Creators Update) corporate security]

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    • #19907

      Looks like an interesting list of features. I would be most interested to see how the BIOS to UEFI works. As it stands now on modern systems its the ” devils own job” to install Win7x64 on modern sys. disabling secure boot and one or two other tweaks with locked down/adv. features on a BIOS and a good deal of offline updating work dvrs, updates etc. There maybe hope for the Win7 devotees rather than kill Win7 they may have “chucked you a lifeline” and for any budding “dual booters” a positive Bonus.

      Hmm quite a lot of Admin tools as well as AV (and given the disappointing showing for security exploits in your article today) imporovements i am wondering if this is not smooth out some “ruffled feathers” over loss of GPOL functions, forced updating, and the ever present “big Sister” Cortana and Telemetry. May be worth a test drive in a VHD but as is the norm these days the Win10 users are going to get it like it or not eventually.

    • #19908

      The end of the personal computing?

    • #19909

      “… , with a 3X increase in Windows 10 enterprise deployments over the last six months.”

      If anyone really still doesn’t believe that many businesses of all sizes have moved to Windows 10, they should try a job search including “Windows 10”. A year ago I could find hardly any jobs requiring Windows 10 experience, but in the last two months I’ve seen hundreds.

    • #19910

      “… , with a 3X increase in Windows 10 enterprise deployments over the last six months.”

      Sounds impressive, but what’s the base for this comparison? If it’s, say, 50 million, then that’s somewhat impressive… If it’s 50, not so much… Another reason perhaps why Malwaresoft rarely reports statistics like these in absolute terms.

      Your second point about the increase in Windows 10 as a requirement for It jobs is interesting. What is the geographic scope of your recent searches – one city, one state/province, one country, worldwide, or just what? It would help lend some context to your observations. BTW it shouldn’t be a surprise to see that happening given that Windows 10 will be the only Windows version supported in a relatively few years.

    • #19911

      “The power of the cloud” indeed.

      Will the “Threat Protection Module” require communications with the mothership (beyond just downloading signatures) to work?

      It’s [very] hard to tweak Win 10 1607 into something worth having. At some point it’ll become impossible. Will the Creators update be it? Time will tell.


    • #19912

      “Creators Update” is an interesting term.

      As a long-time Sci-Fi reader I have many times read is books about references to beings as the “Creators.” Almost always they were the RULERS, sometimes benevolent, but oftentimes they were malevolent. However, almost always they ruled and the protagonists had no choice.

      Makes one think…

    • #19913

      If this launches as the articles say, I can see this going a long way to making Win10 more acceptable for governments and entities associated with health records, as well as corporations interested in protecting intellectual property and confidential issues.

      I like the remediation options.

      I remember how a number of years ago a former colleague forwarded an email to IT, his unit, and the supervisors that he had received a virus warning. The SOP at the time was to immediately unplug the PC from the LAN and CALL the IT folks. Needless to say more than one PC then needed to be carefully checked as well as the mail server.

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