• Visual Studio security patch 4506161 failing to install on Server 2012 R2, sometimes throws error 66A

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    I’m seeing many reports that this month’s KB 4506161, Security update for the information disclosure vulnerability in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ser
    [See the full post at: Visual Studio security patch 4506161 failing to install on Server 2012 R2, sometimes throws error 66A]

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    • #1875569

      We are seeing this too. As far as I can tell, none of the servers it’s failing on actually have VB installed. They do have SQL and the VB shell and redistributable.

    • #1875621

      Seen that here as well.

      For the moment I’ve unapproved those updates in WSUS

    • #1875629

      The KB article recent revision and the notice may indicate there are wrong deployment metadata (i.e. it’s offered to non-applicable products)

      2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #1875787

      We have the same problem on Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 12 R2.  Ours is a fully offline environment so we use MBSA (Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer) to determine which KBs to download and install:

      MS00-000 | Missing | Security update for the information disclosure vulnerability in Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 (KB4506161) | Important

      When we try to install the patch it returns a ‘does not apply, or is blocked’ error.
      Agree with previous posts that this is a detection issue and expect an updated MBSA signature file for offline installs to be released soon.

      Further, the Nessus Plugin for KB4506161 was modified on Friday, and does NOT detect the patch as required for our systems.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #1879893

      It seems to have been fixed by MS

      From here:

      Currently, this patch is being offered via WSUS (SCCM) to systems that VS 2010 Shell (Isolated) are on so that they can maintain compliance for patching. But this patch applies to Visual Studio 2010 SP1 except for Visual Studio 2010 Shell (Isolated) and Visual Studio 2010 Shell (Integrated).

      Visual Studio Product Team is changing the MU authoring (which then flows to WSUS) so that these patches are only offered to machines that have VS 2010 Pro/Premium/Ultimate. We expect this to be resolved very soon.

      so if you resync on wsus and then do:

      wuauclt /detectnow
      wuauclt /reportnow
      wuauclt /updatenow


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