• Putting June’s updates behind us

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    PATCH WATCH By Susan Bradley Spring has given way to summer in the northern hemisphere. For those of us enjoying the change in season, let’s not forge
    [See the full post at: Putting June’s updates behind us]

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    • #1864175

      Will the Master Patch List be updated with all of the Server patches?  I havent really seen anything this month other than desktop OS stuff.





      • #1866023

        Server patches are the same code as the desktop ones.  Which update are you referring to?

        Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

        • #1867561

          Previous months you listed all of the Server OS versions and patches for each and when it was safe to install.  I didnt see that format for the June updates.  Just curious if this is the new way going forward.

    • #1864307

      PATCH WATCH By Susan Bradley
      Also, Win10 suffers from the same Event Viewer bug afflicting other current Windows versions. Neither flaw has been fixed yet.

      The Event Viewer bug was fixed by cumulative updates for all versions of Windows 10 (except 1507), mostly on 6/18/2019; and for 1903 on 6/27/2019.

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      • #1864991

        I had the issue show up in Version 1809, Pro. But yes, it was fixed by the patch mentioned by @b. I found that if this Event Viewer Custom Views bug isn’t patched, Windows 10 Automatic Maintenance may not do its work. Not a crisis for most folks, but possibly more fallout, also fixed by the re-patch.

        -- rc primak

    • #1864472

      A silly question probably, but I’m a bit confused: does this “Putting June’s updates behind us” post mean that it is now time to install the June Windows and Office patches? I see that MS-DEFCON is still at 2, so I have a hunch that I should keep waiting until it goes to 4 before installing the June patches, right?

      • #1864475

        DEFCON-2 means WAIT.
        When Woody increases the DEFCON number to 3 or above, he will also publish instructions for safe patching in an article in ComputerWorld.

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        • #1864992

          In light of the Event Viewer Custom Views issue, I think it wise for most consumer level users to wait for instructions before applying the June Updates. The fix for this issue is not offered to me by Windows Update in the normal mechanism. The same issue may also affect scheduled Automatic Maintenance. Most users might not notice this additional fallout for some time, if ever.

          -- rc primak

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          • #1866024

            Unless you use custom event views, you won’t notice the issue.  I’ve installed all of the main June/not the optional updates and have no side effects.

            Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

            • #1867083

              I tried to check on a driver which Windows said had been updated, but Intel had not done the updating. In the Windows Device Manager, when I checked on Events related to the driver in question (looking for the reinstall information and associated events) the bug bit me. That was when I went to the MS Update Catalog and manually installed the fix. Also, Automatic Maintenance stopped working on my PC. After the re-patch, Automatic Maintenance started working again. So no, this bug does not just affect a small number of Windows 10 users.

              -- rc primak

      • #1866025

        As PK always points out, I tend to post for more business view, but yes, I’ve installed the June updates (only the main ones, passing on the optional ones) and everything survived the journey successfully.

        Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

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    • #1864500

      From the Plus Newsletter: “A final reminder to all Windows users: If your Bluetooth device stops connecting to your PC after you install the June updates, it’s not a bug — Microsoft doesn’t want unsecure devices connecting to Windows. You’ve been warned.”

      I have Bluetooth printers upon which I depend, and I also use Bluetooth to transfer files from my Android phone to my laptops, and vice versa.  I use Windows 8.1, and right everything is working fine.

      Could you tell me which update(s) will impact my Bluetooth?  Because I won’t install it/those!

      Many thanks, Kathy

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