Daily Archives: January 16, 2025
Are you prepared for the worst?
Phone showing two-factor code
The recent fires in Los Angeles are far enough away that I will feel no impact, either personally or professionally. But I know people in that area. They may not have lost their homes, but they know the impact will be felt for a long time. Everyone should think about the “what if’s” when it comes to disasters of every kind. The American Insitute of CPAs has a checklist; I suggest that everyone read it.
As soon as I know my family is safe, I always think in terms of what items would I grab. For me, it’s my cell phone. It has the two-factor authentication systems (apps or text messages) that I need to get into just about anything. Without question, it’s the first thing I would grab. Others have recommended a “go bag” of documents with the same kind of information. That could be helpful if you were concerned about the availability of power, but these days the most important go bag item is that phone with everything in digital form.
In such emergencies, the cloud surely has a place. Businesses and banks burned down in the Los Angeles fires. Would your safety deposit box survive this sort of disaster? Should you consider an encrypted cloud location for at least some of your key items, such as copies of insurance policies and other important documents?
Have you heard about the blue VW bus that survived the fire with amazingly little damage? Keep your eye on the newsletter — I have an idea for an article rolling around in my head.