• AM-DeadLink — Because nothing lasts forever


    Deanna McElveen

    By Deanna McElveen

    “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” —Jimmy Dean

    Websites disappear or get redirected as their original owners stop paying for the domain names and someone else scoops them up. I’m going to show you how to adjust your sails.

    AM-DeadLink is a free program by Aignesberger Software, an Austrian software company. The program searches your Web browser’s bookmarks or favorites for links that are no longer active (dead) or are getting redirected to another website (a common tactic used by scammers who buy up the old domains). But AM-DeadLink doesn’t stop there. You can also use it to scan text files, tab-delimited files, CSV files, and HTML files to find dead links.

    Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (21.09.0, 2024-02-26).