Daily Archives: December 17, 2024

  • Mouse quest – Incase edition

    In my article Mouse quest (AskWoody, 2024-04-22), I opined about Microsoft getting out of the hardware business, at least with respect to its long-running line of mice, keyboards, and webcams. It announced that Incase would carry the devices forward under the banner “Designed by Microsoft.”

    At the time of the announcement, Incase said it would introduce this line in 2024, without providing any specifics. The company also added a section to its website describing its planned products.

    Two weeks ago, noticing that absolutely nothing had happened, I initiated queries with both Microsoft and Incase. A Microsoft spokesperson replied that Microsoft had nothing to add. Incase replied that it would meet the 2024 goal, even though there was nothing on the site at that moment. Late last week, there was still nothing on the site.

    That just changed. Two products, the Wireless Mobile Mouse 1850 (above) and the Modern Mobile Mouse, are now available for purchase at the Incase site. If you examine those two links carefully, you’ll notice that they are “new arrivals.” The Designed by Microsoft section shows these products among all the anticipated products in the line, but you can’t click anything there to find the product details.

    Twenty products in the line are shown at the site but just two have become available. Worse, both mice are slated to come in five colors, but only black is available. It’s a weak showing.

    But I guess Incase made its deadline.