Daily Archives: December 13, 2024

  • Don’t forget to reboot

    This is the time for testing updates, so I must remind the folks who are my patching guinea pigs to watch out for weirdness. One of the things I always watch for in this early testing ring is those who have machines that didn’t auto reboot but should have.

    Strange things occur on machines that have not rebooted. For example, beta tester #1 (better known as my sister) lost her mouse.  I walked over to the computer and realized the pending reboot icon was sitting in the system tray.

    Anytime you see that in your system tray, it’s a sign that your system is in an unstable state. It has installed updates but hasn’t rebooted.

    Beta tester #2 is at the office and gets the updates earlier than the rest. He could not use the Snipping Tool yesterday. I walked over to his computer to diagnose and saw the same pending reboot icon.  It should have rebooted last night when I told it to. A reboot cured that problem.

    I consider this wise advice for any device other than an iPad or iPhone. Rebooting when weird stuff is occurring just might help. On an iPhone or iPad, I recommend swiping up and closing the apps and then restarting.