Let’s be careful out here
Tonight as I’m seeing the news, once again our world is in a state of unrest. Again. Or still in unrest, depending on your point of view and where you live. For me, there’s a bit of added layer of concern.
Ask you may be aware, Ukraine and the area around Ukraine has been in the news tonight for traditional attacks (tanks, soldiers, etc). But historically it’s been in the news for cyber style attacks. Often these types of attacks can and do inadvertently impact innocent businesses and individuals.
Remember Maersk shipping that got hit by ransomware that originally targeted firms in Ukraine? Cyber attacks don’t stop at borders but can hurt individuals and businesses all over the world.
Already I’m reading reports of destructive malware that has been targeting businesses in Ukraine. Specifically, “The wiper abuses legitimate drivers from the EaseUS Partition Master software in order to corrupt data. As a final step the wiper reboot computer”
While the CISA site is specifically about warning businesses about the impact of cyber attacks. I want to also give a warning for you, the individuals and small businesses reading this post. Ensure you HAVE A BACKUP. I cannot stress that enough. Ensure that you have an external hard drive, a spare hard drive, a cloud, a …. SOMETHING … that you can use to recover your information.
As Sargeant Phil Esterhaus used to say “Let’s be careful out there“. Be extra careful in your clicking and surfing.