Beware of firmware updates on Surface book 3
Barb Bowman passed this along and I’m seeing other posts on the subject.
The recent firmware update to Surface Book 3’s are bricking some of the devices. it appears
Arnaud van Galen posted in No disks after firmware update “also had this combination of 2 firmware updates ( and 13.0.1889.2 sounds right) last night, but the machine didn’t boot at all anymore this morning. When I enter the UEFI it says System UEFI = 13.101.140 and Intel Management Engine = 13.0.1889.2 so it does seem that both firmwares got installed correctly.
I tried booting from a recovery USB and from inside diskpart it showed that there were no partitions anymore.
I tried reinstalling (both with secureboot on and off) but Windows gives Error 0x80300024 and from inside diskpart I get “The request failed due to a fatal device hardware error” after giving a ” list disk, select disk 0, detail disk, clean, create partition efi””
“While not conclusive, it looks like this firmware update and the Hynix drive (HFM256GDGTNG-87A0A) have issues about 50% of the time, rendering the surface useless.”
More threads are here: Windows 11 update blue-screened my Surface Book 3 – Microsoft Community
Surface Book 3 – The newest update has completely bricked my Surface – Microsoft Community