• Zero day Windows 10 bug

    Topic: A Zero-day Windows 10 bug corrupts your hard drive on seeing this file’s icon @ AskWoody

    This is one of those … okay let’s be careful out there…. bugs.

    Alex points to a Windows 10 bug that is triggered by merely extract the zip file or look at a folder that contains the malicious shortcut.

    Remember whenever you get something via email that you didn’t expect, don’t open it.  If you are really curious, check out the file or link on www.virustotal.com or www.reverse.it

    Security researcher Jonas L first warned about the bug earlier this week, describing it as a “nasty vulnerability.” Attackers can hide a specially crafted line inside a ZIP file, folder, or even a simple Windows shortcut. All a Windows 10 user needs to do is extract the ZIP file or simply look at a folder that contains a malicious shortcut and it will automatically trigger hard drive corruption.


    Edit:  I spotted on Windows 10 NTFS $i30 File Corruption | AttackerKB

    Attackers can remotely exploit this vulnerability to make Windows think a drive is corrupted even though it is not. Successfully resolving this issue will require users to reboot Windows and run a disk check on the corrupted drive, after which Windows will be convinced that the drive is no longer corrupted.

    It’s not really corrupted after all.