Try to fix one thing, break another
Long story short we were trying to fix an issue with a duplicating post and ended up causing issues with the replies. You may not see any replies, or you’ll see some of them. <sigh> It’s an indexing issue.
We have someone looking at it overnight (pacific time) so bear with us.
As always thank you for your understanding.
Update, just to assure everyone your posts are all still here it’s just an issue with the indexing which then causes the view to not be correct especially if you are an anonymous viewer. We’ve tested the solution and are just coordinating a time for when the fix will be done on the live site. (Probably Saturday as that’s when the bbpress expert has time set aside). At that time we’ll put the site in maintenance mode so you can’t post to it.
Update II: Indexing fix is scheduled for Sunday morning Pacific time. Once again thank you for your patience.
Once again thank you for your understanding and patience.