• Tasks for the weekend – March 27, 2021 – How to pause

    (Youtube video here)

    So how do you uninstall updates should you have an issue with printing after installing this months updates? It’s actually pretty easy for Windows 10 users. Click on Start, Settings, Update and security, Click on View update history, Click on uninstall update, Find the KB and click.

    So now that you know that you ARE having issues with the main March updates you have the choice to find the out of band updates or just wait until April (the fixes will be rolled up into Aprils).

    If you want to continue to pause updates I recommend going to start, Settings, Update and security, Windows update, Advanced options and Pick a new date.

    The optional update should be offered up to you but if they are not, you can also go to the catalog site. To find an update I go to the Windows Health release dashboard and find the KB number I need in the resolution section, then go to link in the page the catalog site and search for it. If you go from the Health release dashboard, it gives you the exact link to go to.

    Once you find the KB you need, the trick is to find the “bitness”. Most of us have 64 bit machines so then find the 64 bit version of the update and click to download it. Now click to install it and follow the prompts. If you get a message that the update doesn’t apply to your machine, don’t worry, this just means you clicked on the wrong patch. Windows will never let you accidentally install the wrong patch.