Shared code base means interesting out of bands
So we have a bit of an unusual out of band (meaning an extra update not released on the Second Tuesday) update released on June 11 for Windows 10. Note that this is one of those types of updates that will be offered up in the WU window but not pushed to you UNLESS you specifically clicked on “Check for Updates”. If you do that, it WILL install.
KB5004476 was released to “Addresses an issue that might redirect you to the Microsoft Store page for Gaming Services when you try to install or start an Xbox Game Pass game on your Windows 10 device. Additionally, you receive error 0x80073D26 or 0x8007139F.” I can honestly say that I’ve never tried to install an Xbox Game pass game on my Windows 10, I stick with my Dad’s solitaire games but I guess I’m in the minority.
Also out is our dear friend KB4023057 the patch that Microsoft rereleases every time there’s a feature release. It’s goal is commendable (it’s trying to make enough free space, ensure your system is healthy, etc), but it’s not been a well behaved as we’d like and in the past people have reported that it reset power settings incorrectly and reset network stacks incorrectly so most wise patchers opt to skip it.
I find it interesting that for the Xbox game bug they couldn’t use the known issue rollback where they can roll back the code on your device for a bad quality patch without having to have you install an update and reboot. Meanwhile be aware that some folks are reporting issues with the size of News and Interests on their toolbar causing display issues and being fuzzy. One recommendation is to change to icons only. Bottom line too bad Microsoft can’t do an out of band on News and Interests.
Remember – if you click on “check for updates” you will get both of these installed. Ultimately KB5004476 will be included in your Windows 10 machine in the next cumulative fix. But it’s recommended to avoid or uninstall KB4023057.