• If you are on the Windows 11 “beta” version

    Alex pointed this out earlier, but I wanted to bubble this up to the blog site:


    Starting on November 1, 2021, some users might be unable to open or use certain built-in Windows apps or parts of some built-in apps. This is caused by an issue with a Microsoft digital certificate, which expired October 31, 2021.
    The following might be affected:
    • Snipping Tool
    • Accounts page and landing page in the Settings app (S mode only)
    • Start menu (S mode only)
    • Touch Keyboard, Voice Typing, and Emoji Panel
    • Input Method Editor user interface (IME UI)
    • Getting started and Tips
    Workaround: To mitigate the issue with Snipping Tool, use the Print Screen key on your keyboard and paste the screenshot into your document. You can also paste it into Paint to select and copy the section you want.
    Partial Resolution: Microsoft will automatically update affected devices with KB5006746 released October 21, 2021 to resolve the following issues:
    • Touch Keyboard, Voice Typing and Emoji Panel
    • Input Method Editor user interface (IME UI)
    • Getting started and Tips
    Next steps: We are working on a near term resolution for the Snipping tool and the S mode issues and will provide an update when available.
    Note that if you are in a domain beware that you can’t change the date on the system, it will cause you to be unable to log into the domain.
    As I’ve said before, Windows 11 should be considered as a testing version only at this time, and not installed on production machines.
    Matt Graeber on twitter gives the details:  “The MinCryptVerifyCertificateWithPolicy2 function in ci.dll returns STATUS_IMAGE_CERT_EXPIRED when a file is preview build signed _and_ the cert is expired. ScreenClippingHost.exe is both. “
    Edit 11/5/2021
    Microsoft has released an out of band fix for this:
    Microsoft is releasing an Out-of-band (OOB) update (KB5008295) today to completely resolve a set of issues affecting the Snipping Tool, Touch Keyboard, some built-in apps and S Mode on Windows 11.
    If you are impacted look for this update to be pushed to your Windows 11’s