Getting better feedback
I hope you’ll indulge me in a bit of an off-topic post tonight that I do not intend to make political in any way.
Many of you know that I have a 92 year old Dad. He’s always inspired me in how he takes on new challenges. I thought he wouldn’t like Windows 10 after using Windows 7 for years and after I made sure I built a short cut for Solitaire on the desktop he’s migrated just fine. This past year he moved from a desktop application that he used to an online version. One thing I noticed that software vendors don’t take into consideration is the older generation. They often build web sites with a lack of contrast, or buttons that aren’t in obvious locations. I always wonder where web sites get their feedback when designing web sites, clearly they don’t take into account that many older users still use desktop applications.
I’ve seen a similar situation in all of the web sites used to sign up for vaccines. I personally have helped several people (including my Dad) to sign up for vaccines. I’m not alone in helping people get signed up and expressing a bit of frustration in a process that needed to be geared towards the older crowd that we want to get vaccinated as soon as possible. I helped out one person remotely by having her take pictures of her insurance card with her phone, email the images to me, and then I remoted into her computer, transferred the images to her computer remotely and then uploaded the images of the insurance card to the insurance portal to get her signed up. My girlfriend has been helping her Aunt who only has a flip phone, can’t see well to dial the phone and doesn’t have a computer to get signed up.
If you are in a position to help others to get signed up, I urge the AskWoody readership to help out anyone who is not as tech savvy as you are.
(Dad received the Pfizer shot and other than normal soreness in his arm as a result of the shot, had no side effects)