• No fix for the Feb cumulative update “lost profile” bug in sight. I suggest you Win10 1903 and 1909 customers make sure Pause Updates is engaged.

    Microsoft hasn’t yet publicly acknowledged the bug that we’ve known about for nine days: Installing the February cumulative update for Win10 version 1903 and 1909,  KB 4532693, can be hazardous to your machine’s health.

    (See, for example, Susan Bradley’s post below.)

    If you’re relying on Pause Updates to keep your machine protected from Microsoft’s buggy spittle (I’m being generous here), now would be an excellent time to make sure your Pause Update setting goes out for at least a few more days. I’m setting mine to March 9, in the hope that MS will fix (or at least acknowledge!) the bug before next Patch Tuesday.

    I was shocked to discover that, yes, you can extend the “Resume updates” date beyond its current setting without installing all of the outstanding patches. That’s a major shift — undocumented I believe — that you should use to your advantage.

    Details in Computerworld Woody on Windows.

    UPDATE: We have an interesting discussion underway on a different thread about extending Paused Updates, and whether you’re locked out of extending them even more if, at some point in the past, you ran the pause up to its maximum of 35 days. Thx @PKCano, @DriftyDonN, @Alex5723, @Brockton. Can anyone replicate their results?