• Chredge is available now

    Be still my beating heart.

    The Chromium-engine based version of Edge, which Mary Jo calls “Chredge,” just made an appearance on the Microsoft download site. Don’t know about you, but when I go to that site with the Chrome browser on Win10, it invites me to download the macOS version.

    Chredge still has a lot of rough edges. No history sync across devices. No extension sync between devices. And we’re just starting the (unpaid) beta testing phase. But it’s still a welcome new take on a dreadful old/new product.

    We’ve been promised an automatic rollout to Windows users.Kyle Pflug at Microsoft has posted a rollout roadmap:

    If you’d prefer not to install Microsoft Edge manuallyyou can wait for it to be installed in a future update to Windows 10following our measured roll-out approach over the next several months. We will start to migrate Windows 10 customers to the new Microsoft Edge in the coming weeks, starting with a subset of Windows Insiders in the Release Preview ring Enterprise and education users will not be automatically upgraded at this timeThe new Microsoft Edge will gradually be made available on Windows Update and offered to additional devices as data and feedback indicate that users are having a good experience.

    Yes, you can run Chredge and Oldedge simultaneously, but why bother?