A compatibility problem between Office 2010 and the Win10 version 2004 update?
Just got this report from BM:
Just thought I would let you know that the 2004 update was a complete mess for me. It was pushed, I didn’t choose it. I run a Legion Y920-17IKB laptop with a licensed version of office 2010 (because I prefer it to 365). The update completely removed every office file I have created since October 2019. No files were saved in the update restore folder and restoring back to the previous version of windows didn’t recover the files. It also changed all the recents in those applications to files that were again, back from 2019.This is by far the worst update experience I’ve had, sharing it with you incase you can use it as a cautionary tale for your readers. Microsoft advice is to always back-up to the cloud. God I hate their updates so much! Just when you thought 2020 had thrown all it could at you…Anybody else seeing that?