Report of a buggy MSComCTL.ocx in January’s Office patches. Again.
Günter Born just posted details (German). Quoting blogger Sam:
Microsoft once again issues a wrong file version of the MS Common Controls (MScomctl.ocx) for the Office January 2019 updates. It affects the following file:
18.01.2019 22:33 1’410’216 MSCOMCTL.OCX
This is particularly stupid for Office 2019 C2R, because there is only a new build. A manual uninstall of the relevant update is not possible.
In the other versions of Office, I have found absolutely no clues at Microsoft, with which patch in December 2018 or Jan 2019 the wrong MS Common Controls file version is delivered. MS is totally silent here.
Any of you getting bit by a bad MSComCTL.ocx?
UPDATE: Looks like the bad, older version is in the February non-security patches, too. Details coming on Born City.