Patch Lady – ransomware attacks
Have you seen the news about all of the small Texas towns hit with ransomware? Bobby Allyn at NPR has a good overview.
Texas is the latest state to be hit with a cyberattack, with state officials confirming this week that computer systems in 22 municipalities have been infiltrated by hackers demanding a ransom. A mayor of one of those cities said the attackers are asking for $2.5 million to unlock the files.
Scary, huh!
So if you are a small business and you use consultants ask them if they use two factor authentication in order to access your resources. If they say no, tell them to check out Duo. And it’s free for up to 10 users.
I had it recommended to me today (and no this isn’t a vendor plug, I’m just pointing out options to small businesses)
Bottom line have a backup. Have another one.