Patch Lady – if you use a IT consultant
If you use an IT consultant please please please forward them this post by Amy Babinchak on what a Managed Service Provider should do to audit their own internal processes:
Hackers, attackers are targeting consultants because they know they can hit a lot of people with one targeted attack. Just the other day Krebs on Security reported that 100 small dentist offices were impacted by ransomware after their IT consultant was targeted.
If you don’t use an IT consultant and instead do your own IT, make sure you think about the vendors and services you use for online activities and think about ways to add two factor authentication to sensitive information. Add two factor to your bank access. If you use hosted email, check with your ISP or vendor if they support two factor. Just the other day I got an alert that my Xfinity had been logged in from an Ubuntu device. I do HAVE an ubuntu device but I sure wasn’t logging into Xfinity from it. I quickly added two factor it that account as well.
Need two factor for remote desktop? Check out duo.com
Need a third party app that supports multiple vendors? Check out authy.com
Bottom line make sure that you protect accounts and log ins that you can’t live without and make sure they have extra protections.
They are out to get you.