Microsoft acknowledges, and fixes, the audio bug in this month’s Win10 1903 patch
I’ve been grousing about the audio bug all week, but Friday afternoon we got official confirmation:
Audio in games is quiet or different than expected
Microsoft has received reports that audio in certain games is quieter or different than expected. At the request of some of our audio partners, we implemented a compatibility change that enabled certain games to query support and render multi-channel audio. Due to customer feedback, we are reverting this change as some games and some devices are not rendering multi-channel audio as expected. This may result in games sounding different than customers are used to and may have missing channels.Affected platforms:-
Client: Windows 10, version 1903
It appears as if the problem’s solved with that weird ghost patch, KB 4516421, that I originally thought might be a hoax. I was saying it was a cumulative update, but as @abbodi86 notes, it’s a tiny patch.
As @EP says:
KB4516421 for 1903 is available only thru WU/MU (windows update/microsoft update) and WSUS, not thru MUC (ms update catalog) as noted in that Knowledge Base article
I did a recent WU scan on a friend’s pc running v1903 and that update was not offered – guess it’s only available to machines running usb audio devices
Somebody please tell me that 1903 is ready for prime time.
I wonder how the installer knows if you have a conflicting USB mic that hasn’t been plugged in…