Is Microsoft dropping support for the Win 8.1 apps News, Sports, Money, Weather?
Poster BobbyB had problems with his Win8.1 machine this morning:
Seems the Writings already on the wall for UWP or Metro Apps on Windows 8.1, just for the News App, Weather, Sports, Money… This popped in yesterday when I fired it up.
Money, Sport and Weather just all displayed the same message on fire up this morning.
I’ve seen some announcements about the impeding demise of News and Weather. Martin Geuß on the German-language DrWindows.de site has details of a report from one of his readers, @Brawl345, that the announcements appeared in German last week (thx, Dan Thorp-Lancaster at Windows Central). It isn’t clear to me if the messages appeared on a Win8 or 8.1 system.
Has anybody out there seen similar messages? Can you find an official announcement about the end of life? I sure can’t.