Details emerging on the March 2019 Patch Tuesday trove
By and large this month’s patches — so far — aren’t much to be concerned about, unless you’re worried about attacks from nation states.
Chrome has already been patched on your machine (trust me), so the major Win7 attack vector is sealed.
The Win10 1809 patch fixes the “crazy” performance hit on some games, but it has a strange bug that knocks out audio in weird circumstances. That bug was introduced by the 1809 patch on March 1.
There’s confusion over two different Win7 patches that are needed to implement SHA-2 security in July, but @DrBonzo and @PKCano have figured it out.
And Office doesn’t get much respect. Or disruption.
Of course, you shouldn’t install any of it until we hear from the cannon fodder. We’re still at MS-DEFCON 2.
Details in Computerworld Woody on Windows.