Another Win10 version 1903 redline bug: Disconnected RDP sessions peg dwm.exe at 100% utilization
Here’s an oldie but goodie just mentioned to me by Günter Born….
In Win10 version 1903, if you use a computer to RDP into another computer, and then disconnect the RDP session on the second computer (without logging out), dwm.exe redlines one core on the originating machine.
Apparently, disabling the WDDM driver using Group Policy fixes the problem.
Microsoft knows about the problem — it’s documented on Answers forum and other posts here and here and here and here and here. There are lots of posts on the Feedback Hub, too.
It’s not clear (at least to me) if this is an Intel driver problem, or a Win10 1903 problem. But it’s definitely widespread. And I’ve only seen it reported on Win10 1903.