• The ongoing odyssey of Qi Lu

    Yesterday, Baidu announced that Qi Lu is leaving in July. That’s a tectonic event, from my point of view.

    You may recall that Lu left Microsoft in Sept 2016, under strange circumstances ascribed to a bicycle accident. At the time, he was in charge of Office.

    In Jan 2017, I was shocked to hear that he had become the COO of Baidu, a huge (current market cap $100 billion) Google-like company based in Beijing, with offices all over the world.

    Jordan Novet at CNBC reports:

    Lu said in the [PR] statement that he can no longer work full-time in China for “personal and family reasons” and will spend more time in the U.S. He will retain his role as vice president of Baidu’s board and will focus on research and development, although he won’t be working full-time for Baidu.

    I don’t think there’s any doubt that Lu’s one of the smartest people on the planet. He’s a superstar in applied AI. I also hear that he’s generally well-liked and highly respected.

    Wonder what he’ll be up to next?