• Patch Lady – ready for 1809?

    As noted in this ZDnet post the release of 1809 is right around the corner.

    If you don’t want to be part of the initial beta testing for the rest of us here is my recommendations:

    1. Make sure you have Windows 10 professional
    2. In the search box type in edit group policy (the local group policy editor will pop up)
    3. In the Computer configuration section, look for Administrative templates.  Click on that and then go down to Windows components.
    4. Expand that and find Windows update
    5. In the Windows update for Business section (if you are on 1803), choose the Select when preview builds and feature updates are received and double click on it.
    6. Change the setting to Enabled, Choose Semi-annual Channel and then choose 360 days to defer the feature release.

    Click ok and Close the group policy editor.

    I’m sure there is an easier way to get this setting but I know this will work on any Windows 10 pro computer running 1803.  If you are on an earlier version the wording of deferral will be slightly different but the gist is the same and it’s in the same area in the Local Group policy editor.

    In reading this blog post about the upcoming changes, you can see what’s going to be coming to a desktop near you soon… unless you set that feature release deferral in place before it does.