• Patch Lady Posts – KB4074588 known issues

    Just this afternoon KB4074588 for Windows 10 1709 has been updated to reflect two known issues that *may* occur to some – but not to everyone – after the install of the February updates.  The root cause is the same — a key driver gets uninstalled by the install of the updates and not put back down again.

    Update edit:  Please note this ONLY impacts the Fall creators edition 1709 release. To determine what version you have click on start, then on the gear, then on system, then on about, scroll down and see what version you are on.

    If you are one of the unlucky ones that was damaged or impacted by this and you’ve somehow managed to get your system working again, I would say turn off the windows update service and hang tight.  Microsoft is working on a permanent fix.

    For those with Windows 10 pro:  To disable the Windows update service, click on start, then on the gear setting,  click on update and security, click on advanced, click on the button to pause updates:

    For those with Windows 10 home, in the Cortana search box type in control panel, in the upper right click on view by small icons (that’s my personal preference), then click on administrative tools, scroll down to services, scroll down and find the Windows Update service. Double click, change the start up type to disabled and stop the service.

    Now put a sticky note on your computer indicating that you need to come back to Askwoody.com and watch when Patch Lady Susan gives you the all clear to turn this service back on after the March updates come out. It very very very much pains me to give you instructions to do this, but since I can’t give any sort of assurance that a 1709 update might pop this on you, I’m erring on the side of extreme caution.  At the core of information security is information assurance, the act of maintaining the confidentiality, integrity and availability of systems, and this is the best way I know how to assure you that your system will remain available to you.



    After installing this update, some USB devices and onboard devices, such as a built-in laptop camera, keyboard or mouse, may stop working.  This may occur when the windows update servicing stack incorrectly skips installing the newer version of some critical drivers in the cumulative update and uninstalls the currently active drivers during maintenance. Microsoft is working on a resolution and will provide an update in an upcoming release.

    Workaround steps are available in KB4091240.

    After installing this update, some devices may fail to boot with INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE.

    This issue occurs when the windows update servicing stack incorrectly skips installing the newer version of some critical drivers in the cumulative update and uninstalls the currently active drivers during maintenance.

    Microsoft is working on a resolution and will provide an update in an upcoming release.

    Workaround steps are available in KB4075150.