• Patch Lady – 31 days of Paranoia – Day 15

    We’re on the 15th day of our travels through paranoia and on the day that Paul Allen, one of the founders of Microsoft passed away, I’m touching on the next big disruptor that the Microsoft company is increasingly implementing:  That of cloud services.

    Paul Allen and Bill Gates took mainframe computers from locked away in a freezing room only accessible by the few to where nearly everyone has more power in their desktop and laptop than the old mainframes used to have.  The next disruptor is cloud services.  Especially for small firms, my biggest fear for small businesses that rely on cloud computing is that we won’t get solid guidance on how best to secure and deploy cloud services.

    Too often people see cloud services as easy to set up, and they are, but they don’t take the time to think about security.  I have personally seen where users of cloud services will often share credentials to another person without thinking of the risk of sharing credentials.  I’ve seen where consultants can misconfigure settings or – as often seen in big cloud breaches – leave files in cloud locations and not set the file security properly.

    There’s a lot of good things about cloud services.  And then there’s a lot of risks to cloud services.  Always ask and check on how easy it is move FROM a cloud provider, check on the encryption status, check on the backup status.  And these days I’m seeing more and more vendors providing cloud backup solutions to give users more granular options in restoring files saved in the cloud.

    So read those end user license agreements, and ask questions of your vendors before you sign up.