Patch Lady – 31 days of Paranoia – Day 13
Today I want to review browsers and application safety. On the heels of Woody’s post about the Microsoft Store offering it’s wise to add a healthy dose of paranoia when surfing and picking software to install on your system.
The FBI put together a video to warn those running for office to not be tricked into running or installing malicious code on your system. As noted in the video when you install your browser, you want to check it’s settings:
Disable autofill, remembering passwords, and browsing histories.
Do not accept cookies from third parties.
Clear all forms of browser history when closing the browser.
Block ad tracking.
Enable ‘do not track’ requests to be sent to websites.
Disable browser data collection.
When certificates are requested, ensure the browser requests your permission to provide them.
Disable cache (or storing) of web pages or other content, or set the cache size to zero.
Enable browser capabilities to block malicious, deceptive or dangerous content.
And while you are checking out your browser, there are a couple of new kids on the block that you might want to check out. Both have a musical name…. Opera is one…. Vivaldi is the other.
Check them out!