• Patch Lady – 1809 and mapped drives

    For those of you in a domain, who have Windows 10 pro versions, please make sure that you  have put in place feature update deferrals to ensure you don’t receive 1809 until you … and Microsoft … are ready for it.


    I cannot believe.. well I guess in this era of Microsoft I can believe… that Microsoft would release an update that would impact their customer base like this.  Yes, it’s documented, yes there are “workarounds” but there is possibilities that line of business applications will not be happy with these solutions given.

    In Microsoft’s zeal to code for their future, they are putting bugs in their existing customers.  UNC paths and browser only may be the wave of the future, but to many small and medium businesses with older workforces (like mine) a mapped drive is the typical way that many firms still have their network set up.

    Furthermore this bug is not listed as a known issue on the Windows 10 update history page (only the file association bug is) so I’m going to have to keep track of KB4471218 to see if this gets resolved in the future.

    Bottom line ensure you have feature update deferrals in place.  And note that you can set a deferral for longer than the platform is supported on the Pro version.  For example Windows 10 pro only gets an 18 month window of support for security updates until you have to upgrade to the next feature release.  So you could put in place a 365 day deferral and then end up where your version (Windows 10 1703 for example) fell out of support last month.  Microsoft does not code the feature deferral process with Pro in mind, they have Enterprise and Education skus in their vision when they code the deferral process.

    So be aware if you do choose a deferral period of 365 days, and you have Pro version, you WILL be deferring yourself into an unsupported condition and will need to either change the deferral to 0, or manually install the next feature release to get yourself to where you will receive security updates again.

    And at the risk of sounding like a broken record, if you are a Home version, ensure you upgrade to Pro so you can defer feature upgrades.

    Today’s post is a Two Pinocchio rated post.  Not simple and certainly NOT transparent.