• Ongoing bugs in Win10 Fall Creators Update

    I’m putting together an article for Computerworld, and I’d appreciate your input.

    Win10 FCU, version 1709, was released on October 17. Since that time, we’ve seen lots and lots (and lots and lots) of bugs. Some of them have been in 1709 since the get-go. Some were introduced by bad patches. Some of them have only become apparent in the past week or so.

    Microsoft’s dumped the “Current Branch for Business” designation, and I think that’s a mistake. I also think it’s lunacy to push two new versions of Win10 out every year. I’d like to use Win10 FCU as Exhibit A.

    I’ve been following most of the bugs in my Computerworld articles, listed here. Still others have appeared here on the AskWoody site, and I’ll be rummaging through those.

    Can you think of any that I’ve missed? I’m looking for real, hard bugs — something you can put a finger on, preferably something that’s been discussed online.

    Just the facts, please. Let’s see if the facts support the conclusions that many of us have drawn.

    Thanks – and Happy (Gregorian) New Year!