• Net Neutrality regulations set to expire on Monday

    Just got an interesting note from @OscarCP:

    Monday, the Net Neutrality regulations of 2015 cease to apply when last year’s decision of the FCC to repeal it finally comes into effect.

    Might it not be a good time now, or as soon as convenient, to give people a reminder of the imminent repeal and alert everyone that the mostly latent legal, legislative and public opinion battles are about to flare up?

    Cascadian started a Topic on this last year, in the “Rants” forum. So far this year it has just a few postings by him and myself discussing the issue; perhaps now it could be a place for more people to go and talk about this.

    I, personally, know one ISP — great guy, very smart — who’s convinced the Net Neutrality regulations were written by Google, and he cheers their demise. He has skin in the game, but he swears that the end of the regulations will be good for consumers. So this isn’t a one-sided situation, and it isn’t just us-versus-them American politics. (Heaven knows I’ve heard enough of that lately.)

    If you have a well-reasoned opinion to share, preferably with pithy observations, please hop over to Cascadian’s topic on the Rants forum, and have at it.