• Microsoft fixes the Win10 activation problem

    My version 1809 test machine was throwing the Activation Error I talked about this morning.

    I followed the updated troubleshooting steps posted by João Carrasqueira on Neowin and, bada-boom bada-bang, it’s all activated now. The Steps:

    1. Click Start > Settings > Update & Security
    2. On the left choose Activation
    3. Under the top section, click Troubleshoot

    Takes all of ten seconds.

    Those of you who paid for a Home license – I suggest you get in touch with Microsoft and yell real loud. They not only owe you a refund, they should pay for the time you wasted fixing their problem.

    If you have any luck with that approach, leave a note here, please. I won’t hold my breath.

    Thx to @EP and Mary Jo Foley