Microsoft 365 Consumer may actually be good for us
On Wednesday, Mary Jo Foley described her dumpster diving through Microsoft’s help-wanted ads, which turned up a couple of hints:
Microsoft is working on a new subscription bundle aimed at consumers, which looks to be named “Microsoft 365 Consumer.” The coming bundle will be the consumer-focused complement to Microsoft’s existing Microsoft 365 subscription bundle for business users.
A couple of recent Microsoft job postings mention the consumer subscription bundle, which Microsoft has yet to announce publicly.
Gregg Keizer speculates about what might make MS 365 Consumer compelling:
It’s possible that Microsoft will take a very measured approach with M365-C and simply include a license for Windows 10 Pro – the OEM-installable SKU that’s more feature-rich than the standard Windows 10 Home – with the subscription. The rationale for subbing to M365-C, then, would rest on Windows 10 Pro’s qualities. To boost Pro’s perceived value as part of M365-C, Microsoft could, say, discontinue sold-at-retail copies of Windows 10 Pro and the for-purchase licensing keys that transform Home into Pro. The only way to migrate from Home to Pro, without buying a new system, would be through M365-C.
That’s a fascinating possibility. Who knows if it’ll happen, but if you need to subscribe to (and pay for) MS 365 Consumer in order to block forced updates on your machine… yeah, that’s a compelling reason to fork out some money.