Windows 10 Anniversary Update OK?
Just got this from reader NP:
I have been following your articles about issues with Windows 10. Would you say at this point, it is safe to update, or should we still wait? I am concerned about not having the latest patches because of the WannyCry ransomware.
It’s safe to upgrade to Windows 10 Anniversary Update, version 1607
It’s too early to upgrade to Windows 10 Creators Update, version 1703
This is the part that gets me. WannaCry only infects Windows 7 machines. Period. (And Server 2008R2, which is basically Windows 7.)
WannaCry does NOT infect Windows XP. I’ve been saying that since my first report a week ago. In spite of what you’ve read, WannaCry does not infect WinXP.
WannaCry does NOT infect Windows 8.1.
WannaCry does NOT infect Windows 10. Any version. That tiny blip on the Kaspersky chart is no doubt due to mis-reporting, or the possibility that people were running infected WinXP machines in a Virtual Machine on Windows 10. I don’t know of any other way there could be any occurrences.
That said, you need to make sure your Windows computer is fully protected against WannaCry – every version, from XP to Win10. The problem isn’t WannaCry itself. The problem’s all the other malware that’s likely to follow in its footsteps.