The last word on the Win7 Update scan speedup problem
I just got a scathing email from SC:
I just had a fresh installation of a Win7 w SP1 directly downloaded from MSDN. As many people have been complaining, Windows Update did not work – stuck forever. So I googled around, and read a lot of junk articles, speculating this, speculating that, and of course, yours were among those.
Then I hit this Dell’s official article:
In a few minutes, problem became perfectly solved. The root cause was simple, for some stupid reason Microsoft put an old version of Windows Updates Agent into SP1, and it does not work with the current Windows Updates Server. If you get a newer (not sure if it is the latest) WUA, which has been available since at least 3/2016 (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3138612), then the problem will be perfectly solved.
What a joke. Don’t waste people’s life by taking about things that you don’t really know. It is a crime
With that, uh, prodding, I decided to bring together everything I know about speeding up Win7 update scans, and post them here in one place. When the Lounge starts (hopefully very soon) I’ll turn this into an AKB article.
Dell recommends installing KB 3138612 (March 2016) to bring wuaueng.dll up to 7.6.7601.19161. That’s the patch that worked for SC.
I recommend installing KB 3172605 (July 2016) to bring wuaueng.dll up to 7.6.7601.23453. That seems to work for almost everybody. (It’s also Microsoft’s recommended approach.)
For those who don’t see their scans speed up, there’s an additional procedure from Canadian Tech that manually resets Windows Update.
Has anybody ever figured out, for sure, in what circumstances one of those approaches works, while the others do not?
NOTE: I haven’t heard of any driver conflicts with 3172605 lately. Wonder if those finally got fixed…